Bind On Pickup if you roll need Bind on Equip if you roll greed Or make it so people not of the class the item is for not able to roll Need at all, for good measure Simple as that
Yeah, this isn't Call of Duty. If you want Health Regen you have to either find someone that can heal, find some potions that can heal, or find a Resting area. This is D&D and how D&D has been
Marksman class is what we need. Physical ranged DPS, or an Arcane archer. Either one works for me. We have a Cleric and a Control Wizard, we already have a two handed Melee fighter, A greatsword and Sword & Board fighters. If one class is going to be released, it better be a Marksman of some sort. If it's a couple classes,…
Guild Wars has it where you can report for leeching. There should be the exact same system here. It won't help you instantly but it'll keep them from re-joining queues for a while, and hopefully discourage them since actually playing will be more efficient than sitting there
Technically, since you can do it without paying, it isn't pay 2 win, just convenience. Pay 2 Win to me means being able to spend money on better gear that you can't get except by spending money on that gear They should just be disabled in PvP, and so should mounts. It's an Arena, not a PvP Zone
A couple of them can be completed without a tank. Cloak Tower's really easy. One Cleric and 4 Rogues can rip the absolute HAMSTER out of it. The Trinity system doesn't apply to D&D games, and I wish people would stop playing like it does
I say leave it be. Make the item drop rate small, leave the XP alone, and just be done with it. Maybe if the game didn't charge the better half of a $10 bill to respec, people would be less inclined to quickly hit the cap
I think what everyone's meaning to say here is Marksman. Rangers can be pretty much any role, but a Marksman is what it says on the tin I am playing a Rogue until it comes out since it's my preferred class.
If you don't like it, don't do it. It's that simple. Having an alternative is actually a nice thing, in an MMO. It's fun to go through the story and quest lines, but if you want an alt and don't want to go through all of that again for a couple weeks, leveling it up by brute force in the foundry seems like a good idea. You…
Who knows, this game doesn't restrict your blood vessels to play it as a free player like 96% of other F2P games. Complaining about its cash shop is about like a Homeless man in a soup kitchen complaining about seasoning
I get perfect framerates with exception of Tower. I have all my settings maxed with shadows on Medium, and Anti Aliasing on 4x. 1920x1080 Phenom 955 3.2ghz, 4Gb of RAM and an HD7850 The main city runs 20 frames or so, give or take what is in front of me, but elsewhere it's all perfectly fine at 60. May pull in more than…
Probably the same group I was in! Rolled need, AND WON, twice, on two separate blues that he couldn't even use. It made me mad, even though I passed on the items
Rolling Needs means You need that item to use. Rolling Greed means you're only interested in selling it if nobody needs it. I watched a Rogue yesterday pretty much roll need on everything that dropped, even on what he can't use. If you confront these people they just say Oh I have an Alt that can use it, which we all know…
Anyone can fight any 2 people at once if the 2 people don't know what they're doing. Rogue is only OP in the hands of someone who's geared up and knows how to play the class. And the same can be said for every class
Who's to say that 240k Diamonds for the Zen to respec isn't reasonable? It's day THREE of Everyone being able to play. On the first day I had 12,000 Diamonds
Did nobody expect a queue to form? A fairly highly anticipated free to play game opening to the public with 3 servers having a queue? Who'da thought. In 3 months, if they add 20 servers to deal with the load, they'll be merging servers to deal with the low population of people who stay and keep playing. Just like every MMO…
This isn't pay to win, this is pay for convenience. Every game with an in-game market has it, whether it be a subscription based game, or a free to play game. What people buy on the AH still has to be put up by people who found it, and who cares about how fast someone levels. You almost hit level cap before Early Access…