I played wow for over 6yrs. I gotta say it took some time, but i now enjoy the cleric class in this game big time. You don't just stand and heal you actually have to stay on your toes and boss fights are actually exciting. Players coming from other games need to understand to that the main focus of Clerics in this game is…
I would still be an action based combat system. Lets just face it, in heat of things its impossible to use some spells! it would be cool for certain spells to use that mechanism.
IT would be so simple if they just made that we can mouse over the picture and press the appropriate button. This would make healing word so much more appealing.
There is a difference between a religious freak and somebody who is extremely faithful. When you are running around putting a symbol in peoples faces that makes your AUTO Religious FREEEAK!!!! lol I don't mind the symbol on the side of my cleric. When its sticking it out, that its just an eye soar to me.
In all my RPG games I play a Cleric. I love the Cleric class in this game. That STUPID symbol really annoys the HAMSTER out of me. My DC is bad HAMSTER looking until he pulls out that stupid Symbol.