Neverwinter treated the chances of drops as something everyone could get with a little effort. Which is HAMSTER. I ran the event a ton of times and all I have to show for it is a bunch of dyes and one 5 lvl enchantment. The event was fun enough the first few times, but it did get old. Its not that the loot was all great,…
I've run a number of call to arms and have got nothing but dye packs. If the event ends and that's all I have gotten then for me the event was a failure. At least give us marks or coins to buy the things we couldn't win. I won't be wasting my time on another skirmish event if this is how they are going to run it.
It makes no sense. PWE would make more money if things were priced at a reasonable cost, because more people would buy them. Americas don't like to wait. Even if they could pray/leader/etc without to much time to gain the shards to buy stuff, more than enough people would still pay real money to have it NOW.
"Hrimnir, favored of the winter titan Thrym, commands the bitter forces of winter on Icespire Peak, sending wave after wave of frost goblins, winter wolves, ice trolls, and frost giants at the Icehammer dwarves. Icespire Peak has become the stage for confrontation between Hrimnir
Spellfire. Shandril Shessair what a Mary Sue, she had plot armor 4 inches thick. Hee hee I haven't studied or anything, but I can kill dracoliches with my oh so special magic.