My two mains were a pali and a sw. The pali was to tank for friends, but my sw was my most fun chara. I once watched a log of a really amazing sw soloing the old boss in cn and was amazed. So I made a second sw and was building her up and still playing my first sw who could solo a few dungeons already, but nothing really…
And these are some of the many reasons I loved soloing, and just inviting a couple friends. But now I can't solo anything and get rewards. Which doesn't matter anyway, because now that my sw is borked, she can't solo much of anything anymore anyway. I tried her in KR after all this mess. She took a lot longer to kill and…
Many feel the devs did all this to force players to spend more real life money to make improvements on their toons. I am just saying how many feel, not trying to turn the community or anything. But from what I have seen and the way I feel, this is the result. I was going to spend 10 to 20 usd to make my owlbear cub…
It's still not the same, some players are different levels and can't go to all the dungeons that others can. Or if you have a goal, like getting the companion gear, you don't have the choice. And there are some dungeons that really...HAMPSTER
I don't understand why you made it so we could do private dungeon runs with friends and even to even be able to solo. It was great fun for a while. Then you punish us by making it all random. I personally don't feel comfortable or like running with a bunch of strangers and had found it to be a lot more fun with friends and…