This sort of thing is main reason I don't run dungeons in NW.Love the game and when I hit 60 end up rolling another Char. Really cant be bothered with all this elitism in games the days. Folk demanding EXP and gearscores. Nobody seems to want to help train people skills or explain tactics as If folk should be born knowing…
Probably said somewhere before but what about, Need available for Class item but if you use Need button it makes item BOP with 0 Vendor price, Greed rolls items BOE. Think would cure most problems.
Thinking about all this logically loot that appears in the chest is random. Why is there a need to roll another set of dice on a greed roll if the Prize is all ready randomally assigned? Whats wrong with letting game pick who gets to Use or Sell the item that's randomly in chest don't need to Roll the random dice twice.
Offtopic abit but suppose wont hurt. Anyone know how safe the Android gateway apps are (keeping password secure)? I am abit warey as I see they are not published by perfect world.
Just new to game am having fun lvling cleric. Did have bad experience around lvl 30 when daily dungeon was the one with dragon, adds spawn went straight for me and eventually got overrun and died we gave up after few tries and I havnt bothered with 5man since(bad experience). Reading the Cleric section on forums has anyone…