Looks like that Halaster and Zariel have 10%ish of armor penetration (or they ignore 10% of our defense anyway), is it intentional or a bug? sorry, wrong thread
I have, with my Barbarian, 530k HP with my dps build and 295k HP on my tank. I'm a main tank so there's clearly something wrong with that. Edit: already solved with a patch, that was fast!
I'm not sure this qualify as QoL suggestion, but anyway: Issue: Dragonborns' passives are more powerful than the passives of other races. Solution 1: Let us choose the passives of a race of the account while having the skin of another race (EG: I have the look of a Half-orc but the stats of a Dragonborn) Downside: It might…
Unstoppable makes you block anything that comes at you and the stamina regeneration is almost nonexistent. The issue is that you need to have some rage to activate it cannot be interrupted before the rage is depleted (except with a skill that specifically does that but it's not good enough to use it in hard contents). So…
Equipment cannot be converted from +1 to normal so you need to craft them till you get the not +1. My issue was that the quest wasn't counting the not +1 ones. I tried moving them via bank, but only sending them via mail worked around the issue.
I agree they should hurry fixing it, but you can get the Linu's favor from Tiamat as well, in the meantime. It's one from finishing the trial and another one from the chest.
During the second boss fight the small AoEs (the ones that spawn the small pool of fire) didn't work properly in two different ways. 1) sometimes they started dealing damage before dropping on the ground 2) sometimes they dealt many tick at once (I was once oneshotted, 330k HP, as soon as I dropped the pool, with many…
I really like the idea of a solo event to test your own skill, although level 1 might be a bit too easy (I basically stood still for 2 mins while autohealing with a couple of insignias abilities and then wiping out all the mobs at the end of the round with a couple of skills), maybe level 2 and 3 will be a proper…
In order to make enchantments, runestones, and insignia less and less powerful with future mods, wouldn't it be better if they give a percentage of your stats? As you'll release more and more powerful gear, an enchantment that gives flat power will become less and less relevant but if it gives even a very small percentage…
> 7- Why is the gear dropping in LoMM worse than the one dropping in Master Expeditions? I'd like to elaborate this question before receiving a "but lomm has higher IL gear" as an answer: as stats are now, I prefer to use a lv 886 ebon chestpiece for my barbarian dps because the lv 1010 gear bonus gives defense (already…
Will you rework some feats in the future? While thaumaturge mages' feats play around their general mechanic of fire and ice, dps barbarians' ones simply change the effect of some skills either forcing us to pick one of those skills or skipping the feat branch altogether