I don't really feel like I have anything meaningful to add to this topic. But I do have to fulfill my duty and appear to remind you at least once in a month that your name, was indeed a really weird one. @rjc9000
@defiantone99 Far from it, actually. We are talking about damage over time and mechanics that need time to slowly deal damage. GWF is the complete opposite of that, you wreck within moments. The reworked weapon enchants will not leave the GWF in the dust.
@marnival "pls fix its broken" is no help at all. What is broken about it? Go into detail, tell exactly whats missing or what is not working the way it should. Also, you have to keep in mind that they are now focusing on weapon enchants, I don't think it's "santa being around" who grants every wish of yours. Same goes for…
@rgutscheradev Allowing multi-proccing on skills contributes to build diversity, which this whole enchant re-work thing is supposed to support. Do not kill that. If something turns out to be broken, we'll make sure to report it. While imprisonment wasn't working as intended, it was still ticking slowly. It didn't turn that…
@c1k4ml3kc3 That's definitely not the case. He wouldn't release such a guide for everyone to use and he wouldn't had been so helpful each and every time someone had a question. He left because it was time.
@tomiotar you obviously haven't tried the class after the rework. It is super solid and you still hit for 10 million with Killing flames in a buffer group.
@amenar thank you for doing the best you could! We really appreciate the work you have done. I'm a bit sad that Combat didn't receive the love it deserved, Archery did get better indeed. I'm curious to see how all the changes affected the difference between Trapper and the other trees!
The leveling experience never was the problem. It's the post lvl 70 gameplay that has trouble keeping the players here. All the game seems to do are short-term solutions. They never tackle any problems completely.
@urabask didn't they also say that Coal ward/preservation ward prices are going to go down after the mod 8 rework on xbox? Then they just removed them alltogether from both PC and Xbox.
This whole thing wouldn't be an issue if playing on your main would actually be worth it instead of having to mess around with alt characters for a few 1000 AD / day.