It would be more honest if you admited that you are making barbarian classe unviable pm purpose so you can eliminate it from the game because that's the only logical explanation for what you are doing with it. Maybe Thomas Foss was bullied by a barbarian in high school, I don't know but this is ridiculous. Have the dignity…
When a game solution to everything they can't do right is "nerf it" it's time do re-evaluate the team involve with it. I cannot believe that they can't find another way to make new sets a better choice for players. It's a very good example of the incompetence of you people. Made new sets with terrible bonus. People won't…
I'm rubbering all the time everywhere. It's só bad today that I gave up and went to Spider Man. This are my dns and connection speed Doesn't make sense that I'm lagging só bad
I'm must be very unlucky... Killed 60+ Mind Whisperers and only got one lure. I gave up hunt as well, was only trying do upgrade my scales but gonna use pet pocket instead. Hunt is, indeed, a design fiasco. Edit: I'm not ever against the zen market. The devs must make money since the game is free to play, and neverwinter…
Yeah, I remember the grind back in the day. I remember doing a 100-item-at-3%-drop-rate farm in Lineage 2 over a decade ago. I remember other farms in WoW or Jade Dinasty but the main difference is that I KNEW my time and trouble would be rewarded. It was a sure thing: you work, you got the payment. Like any other lab rat.…
Not fun at all. I'm also trying do restore my chain os scales pass level 2. So far, killed about 50 Mind Whisperer and had onde lute dropped. But the Kutlass' Scale also is RGN so, obvious, no dropp either. 5 days last week hunting those for nothing. I never like the hunt mechanic because of it's grind but in Omu feel like…
OMG 1000 times agreed! This is the reason why I hated The Cloaked Ascended campaing, especially HE in River Distric. Sometimes you get knocked 3 times IN A ROW without a chance of defense . With my GWF I could eventually go Unstopabble, but with my HR or OP was almost unbearable
Wolf Clearing, a daily in Byrn Shander is broke. The fish-things in the floor to summon the wolfs near square Market is not "glowing" so you can't interact with.
After upgrade Beacon of Simril to Epic, can I just discard all those lumens? They are pretty much useless for me now, right? Also, the loud noise on PS4 is REALLY annoing.