Fixed the sound problem, but still have the Angel Wings issue. I can even see Angel Wings if someone next to me has them, so I know it is some problem with my account.
The bugs I've noticed. I picked up all the campaign completions as I didn't think on preview I should have to run them all over again. Everything seemed to work OK except Well of Dragons as it shows the "Claim Rewards" lit up, but clicking it does nothing. Maze Engine and AI does nothing since the rework. We need the other…
Infernal Forged transmutes. I have a Warlock and have had this main hand transmute for a couple weeks and for the first time saw a great flaming effect while I was Castle Never that I have not seen anywhere else. Couldn't get a screenshot yet, but I might run it again to see if I can.
Totally agree with all of the above. Been running all this since it first dropped and all the bugs and fixes have made it so undesirable to play Rage of Bel. Most everyone in my Alliance is the same. We can't even get a group together whenever Bel decides to spawn. I personally only need the last rod from the vendor box…
Hello @nitocris83 , Last time this is event was going, there was an issue with getting the wrong vanity pet in the chest that was supposed to be Idris. Mine never did get corrected BTW even with multiple comments and emails to support. Would like to have that fixed now please. (original post -…
Can't do much of anything. Everything is SUPER slow to load, chat not working, can't really move around due to rubberbanding and getting "server not responding" or getting DC'd.
Just logged back in to get my number and got this error. "[Error] Could not connect. Please try again later, or email Customer Service at"
" Only 1 Token of Achievement will be awarded during Hell Pit. Subsequent events throughout a year time span will each reward 1 Token of Achievement for minimum participation PER event." I wish this would have been clarified from the beginning that this would take up to a year to earn a mount. Will this be monthly,…