Although I do have Cold Steel Hurricane, I haven't used it yet. After reading this, I feel I may have wasted those points. As for Forest Meditation, I have it at Rank 2 and I'm now glad I didn't put the 3rd point into it. I have used it a couple of times in PvE. I also have the Nature's Blessing feat all the way up to rank…
It gives the reason for the long recharge time as being that many classes don't have access to them. Meaning at the point in time when you have your artifact and use the power, its recharge time is long because at that point in time many classes will not have access to them. Later in the Blog, it says that all players will…
I realize this is a tall order, but hey...its a wish list right? I wish for more zones through the leveling process, so that rolling and leveling alts isn't so repetitive. Example: A player could go to Blacklake district or 'X' district/zone, Tower district or 'Y' district/zone.
This is from yesterday's patch notes, although it does still reference the dragon shard on the character selection screen. Patch Notes: NW.5.20131111a.2 By DwightMC @ November 14, 2013 at 6:59am •There are no longer shard selection references on character select now that the shards have merged.
Buy character slots. The additional characters can be used to get more astral diamonds, which can then be used to get zen and help buy more of the items on your list.
More than once I've been the one being saved, so if I see someone with low health (like 1/4 or lower) still having a lot of mobs on them, I'll jump in and help them. I pay attention to their heath, how fast its dropping, how many mobs, and how fast the mob's heath is dropping. If it appears that they are in danger, I'll…
Open beta started on April 29th (unless you purchased a founder's pack, in which case you got to start a few days earlier). Roughly two months later, on June 20th, the game went 'Live'. Again, roughly two months later, on August 22nd, was the Feywild module. By this pattern, it seems the OP is correct in thinking it will…
I get the warning dialogue even after I've taken the item attached to the mail. I take the item, open inventory bag, verify the item is there, delete mail, and still get the warning dialogue.
A week or two ago I did see a community moderator post a reply in someone's thread where the community moderator specifically stated that there will be no new classes with the feywild module. I can't seem to find it again, or I'd quote it.