I'm not sure if its the same in epics as regular game-play, or if you even want to, but you can select loot as "free for all" - It eliminates the rolls, but you might also have some ninja's who steal everything. Whatever is more important to you. When our guild is in T2's, not so much T1's, we'll give you 1 warning in chat…
I don't think so. I would normally agree, but its too widespread for it to be high latency. It has to be insufficient processing power on their end. Or the console.
The lag has gotten progressively worse. Not sure if its increasing with new players or what, but its so bad. I have a few guild members who have stopped playing the last few days because its unplayable.
This is my biggest issue with this game. I understand kicking, I'm not knew at this game format, but when you're getting kicked out of every tier 2, with 9900 gear score, something is wrong. I'm a DPS CW so i understand we're not rare gems in the dungeon, but c'mon. I tried about 9 tier 2 dungeons last night and was kicked…