Having the same issue with textures, with a pair of Titan X's (2 in SLI mode - 12Gb DDR5) and I'm loading off a 2 disk SSD raid array ..... (Samsung 850 EVO's). All was fine BEFORE Underdark. Guess those demons are having fun. :P
ISP is Internode - ASDL2+ Location Brisbane Australia Tracerts to the patchserver and the gateway (which is always disconnecting me) Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Windows\System32>tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com Tracing route to…
I'm having a similar issue trying to install. Launcher re-cycling patching at 104k/105k (99%), gets to 10.1Mb downloaded, then starts over again. I'm installing from my steam account (not my arc client as that has a different account tied to it) if that helps any.