Check this topic: [PC] MOD 12.5 PVE TACTICIAN SWORDMASTER GUIDE: TOGETHER WE RIDE! (my account have only few days so i cant post link here) Here is great guide for GF tank/buff You find all what you must know for GF buff. Weap ench, companion, stat, skills etc.
Now I understand how it's work. Thank You. Another question, debuff are stack? If i use the same weap ench and other player use it how it's work? (i ask about terror/plague/frost). Terror is good options for debuff?
Hello First, great job with jour guide. Now i have questions about weapon enchantments. 1. You say on plague fire "5.88% damage debuff on enemies at 3 stacks (2% multiplicative stacks, stacks a maximum of 3 times)" so how it's work? This stone give 9% debuff or 5,8%? This 5,8% is on stronger enemy like boss and 9% other…