this is a rather worrying and i fear accurate guess on what will happen. now i don't usually care if "player/guild" housing is in a game even if it is nice to have, but if its going to be in the game having it be done poorly would be worse then not having it at all. just my 2 cents.
not sure if my post was unclear but i'm more curious if the players are for/against it, i was sure that cryptic wouldn't be for it judging by the total lack of addons for their games.
if guilds are in NWO i dearly hope that they dont have "perks." i would hate to see that six months in there are a small handful of big guilds and no little guilds because your crippled in pve/pvp with no guild "perks." if they make it so that you get useless HAMSTER "summon banner" or some silly lil pet thats fine but not…
I look forward to playing this as well. Being a FTP mmo i wasn't optimistic at first but as I've read the forum and watched a few beta videos I've become more optimistic about how awesome this game will be. I hope to see you in game at launch.
i love the idea of traps in action, rpg and/or mmos, but (as a few have said) unless the rogue is in the front it doesn't seem like a good way to have the trap detect system work. now i cant say anything for sure as the game is still in beta but perhaps extending the detect range for rogues or give traps a small detail…
Having your mounts stick around would be a nice. Maybe give them small Hp and damage and if it hits 0 hp or does X amount of damage it despawns? It would be hard to make it fair, i think.