You know when people aren't leaving matches in a game? When the game isn't a broken mess. Punishment for leaving in the current state of PVP just going to make people stop playing pvp.
Funny how in all these threads bunch of TR jump in trying to prove their worth. Talking about learning and having skills. But what skills you posses? Game hides you. I would understand all the pride you have in being sneaky TR if you did the sneaking ... but the game hides you, your worth is 0
That's comedy gold. Rouge's are sneaky ? That really funny. If they really needed to sneak, I would have whole new level of respect for TR players. It's not sneaking when the game just hides you ... no skill on your part, game doing all the work.
You sir appear to be talking out of your ***. Speed is convenience when traveling the world. In the domination type pvp where mobility is a huge part of victory - it's power. And selling power is a big NO.
When GF's here start blabbing about blink and CW's cc ... that's when I know they're full of bs and just defend a broken mechanic cause they benefit from it. Blink might let you dodge, but it's not getting you out of range of other **** GF throws your way, so you can't cast anything. You stop to cast, so stop-lose…
And that's when I know you just full of BS. Yes, if he gets a jump on me he should be dangerous to a squishy class. But having ton of def/health, damage and bull**** gap closer is pushing it over the top. Just power on top of power on top of power without trade offs.
Don't you think there's a trouble there? Maybe you should be careful and patient fighting other classes too ? Imagine if you had to carefully close the gap to a ranged fighter ... or maybe even deciding to retreat and wait while your TR melts the enemy wizard. Not just run-charge-bash everything without a care in the…
Before the patch it was quite entertaining to go 1v1 against gf and it could go either way depending on who of us ****s up. Right now it's just "run away and hope he gets distracted by something". If I could cast while moving ... but right now all the cc I have just buy me enough time to compensate for the time I spent…
It's kinda funny actually. All I saw so far from gf's in terms of skill is "run forward till target is no more". Is this the amazing skill I should aspire to, or lacking to be successful in pvp?
I think when a game allows a gf+gwf+gwf wrecking ball just roll around a map laughing and not being afraid of anything - something is wrong with the game. And you didn't answer what they givin up to have all this powers?
Don't you think it's a bit wrong ? Also I don't know if it's a gear issue (I don't have any enchants yet) but GWF\GF catches up ridiculously fast. My chake/freeze stop them for like a fraction of a second and they run twice as fast. I give up my survivability for CC/range ... but they seem to have counters to all of it and…
Shield dudes jumping all the way across the map, or hitting with a sword from 20 feet away. Then there's throwing daggers. I mean they have health+def +cc ignore to compensate for lack of range ... but then have the range anyway. Kinda weird.
I'm new to this game and quite bad at it but there's one thing I don't get about the balance in this. On one hand you have cw who sacrifices armor\health for range. But then you have all the melee fighters who have range attacks without sacrificing anything. I don't get it.