Can I just say thank you for this small but meaningful interaction with the players. It really is important and puts so many minds at ease concerning a game that many of us have invested heavily into. MOAR designer/player interaction in the future please!
I was trying to keep things realistic here as i doubt they have time to do 'daily' testing in addition to actually coming up with new content and having lives outside of the game:P However, I really think they need to see this game through the eyes of the player. All they have to do is throw on best in slot gear, have one…
I voted no, but even if we literally had 80-90% of the games population voting no, we will still see more legendries. The simple fact is that they generate a ton of revenue for cryptic and they probably already have done most of the work getting them ready as it is. Get used to not being heard lol
As mentioned before me, transparency when it comes down to bonuses and chances would be amazing. Cmon cryptic, dedicate a week or something to adjusting tool tips.
I can imagine that it's a challenge to come up with new content and manage bugs, but come on. If roar is really a bugged power, how come it's been unfixed for a year? Why has it only recently become an issue? The answer is that people are crying for nerfs and the devs finally gave in. Otherwise, please fix the game before…
Hi geelaw :) I replied to your inbox about PF versus Vorp but heres a summary for others who might be interested. PF stacks well with student of the sword as youre keeping your targets defense steadily debufed for yourself and your team. I believe with the coming mod that as regen will be nerfed, people will build more…
I imagine that the majority of players will be building more defensively once healing gets nerfed, so I'm thinking to use defense/resistance reducing effects in order to counteract the reduction in crits. Terror is also something I may consider, yes.
Heya, thanks for the compliment. Hope ya have fun with the build :D Ideally I would have an emblem of seladine (however ya spell it) rather than blood crystal as it's pretty OP right now but I'm happy with everything else. Hi copycat - I'm waiting for the full mod 3 release before I decide but I am comeidering plague fire,…
I haven't run the numbers, but I'd say 1k life steal is way better and cheaper than a perfect lifedrinker. The weapon enchant should give something that stats can't. I'll always be behind vorpal at least until module 3.
Yes it can. I am no expert on PvE builds, but Sure Stike switched out for Wicked Stike and Takedown switched out for Restoring strike gives you very decent DPS in dungeons. Add a well geared Ioun stone and you have a respectable amount of DPS plus the inherent tankiness of a sentinal. Threatening rush is also great for…
Hey there. I updated the guide to reflect my utility slot choice - which was darks, just like you. You cant beat more movement speed in a game where getting to nodes and capping them win the day. On the subject of removing enchants for gold, I don't remember off the top of my head, but the cost to remove is between 1.5g -…
Oh, thanks a lot! That should help it spread a little further and help more peeps. I'll be working on the next guide soon which I'll probably throw up on mmominds too.
Hey there. Although I can see all of your stat lines being viable (you're focusing on all the important ones) I personally prefer the first roll. Con should be as high as possible for that resistance ignored and HP. I'm currently experimenting with strength and the cost of reducing Dex; my overall damage has improved…
I tried ferocious reaction and only see it being useful when you feat into it, meaning 5 points have to be removed from another vital feat. Also, with weapon master being a staple feature, I only have the option of removing trample the fallen. I love this feat for the damage it brings, and it doesn't require me to use feat…
Nope, defense only contributes towards DR, just as armor class does. so a 3% boost to defense is horrible tbh. on the other hand, the extra feat points make up for it.
@ Bizzy. 1v1'd Aliz and many other top-level GWF's. The build works ;) I wouldn't claim that it's the best, but I haven't come across better. That's not to say that I haven't seen some equally good builds though. @ esteena. Thanks! I'll be sure to check yours out too. @copycat. I'll answer all that I can: 1) I assume you…
Hey pwn. Thats a relevant point and once the new changes apply, I'll be adjusting this guide to reflect them. As these changes are still on the horizon however, I thought I'd put this build out there so any fellow GWF can enjoy the power of it while it lasts. I'm sure I'll be able to come up with a decent build post mod 3…
Yeah, you're right about that. I think that ethos will apply in the next module possibly seeing as healing will be nerfed most likely. Slam is actually a viable choice if you know when to if you have trample the fallen slotted, using slam gives the 15% dmg bonus as it is a control effect (slow).
Currently increasing the amount of premades we do, meaning more action for all you PvP'ers. Still interested in players who can bring RL skill to our ranks, such as YouTubers, peeps with moderation experience and graphic designers.