I've been actively trying to look for roleplayers myself even created a roleplaying guild to help in this albeit with little results. Truth is I'm desperate for roleplay and it disheartens me every time I don't find any, even the Mask is empty every time I go in there. Still I never gave up and I don't ever intend to.…
Name: Nathanel Title: Sir Alias(es): Nathan, Nate, The Bronze, The Tarnished, Scalechaser, Bronzescale, Unbroken, The Punished, Fatebane. Race: Human Gender: Male Class: Knight Date of Birth/Age: 09/18/1993 (25) Hairsyle & Color: Long mid parted, Deep brown Eyes: Hazel-Green Skin Tone: Lightly tanned Height: 5' 11" Weight:…