13k tr kill bis gwf, staying at 1 node chill, no1 can kill it. 13k TR kill 4:43 bullcharge pff np I have 85% DS and kill bis GF with hafl rotation. 9:20 pala and gwf cant even harm him again. GG. Its only 13k, no rly?
Its works very well and you know it, 85% defelct combo with itc plus negation, its impossible to harm it. And why such priority have only TR? If its not so good, its should be toned down like any other classes. Im against class discrimination.
Except 1st all others not true. Self buff have all classes and HR have one of the best with trapper/archery path. Try to shield up while dazing with hr or with smoke bomb or with CB, shield bugged as hell, always drop, visual active but in real its not block, they never gonna fix it. Best movers? its just lol not true. Im…
Ohh u confused and not understand that GF dont have piercing and now u complaining about HR and another TR? Burst damage not ignore deflect lolz. Btw nice screenshots from IWD, why u not show screen from urself and gf, and what for pet u both have or not (im sure u not have it). I will not even ask u for ACT.
And why only 1 class TR have 75% deflect severity and with invoke potion its 85% more than GF can block, TR should have like all other classes 50% deflect severity. Maybe thats why in leaderboard all tr's have 5k kills and some 50 deaths? Please devs look on it.
Master of the Hunt #1 with afkers, than go ESOT, Kessel, Tiamat, Ndemo/Edemo, Nsva/Msva they go in party circle, let mobs kill him and stay like that (dead) till match ends, cuz anyway win or lose daily epic trial done. Very often IG, there u need only stay a bit on the side party circle and 4 players transform to arena…
For players like I this is not solution, I dont have guild and no desire to join, and since the begining I play solo, for what they make this random than, if still cuz of bots and afkers u need to make group?
I dont have alts, to quit and go with other. So actually devs force us to play and carry bots, and what about ignored players? I dont want play with some1 who in my ignore list, what I susppose to do with that? B4 I would simple quit and queue again, so now I have take tactic of afkers and wait till they kick me, ohh yea…
Very true, also would be nice if small guilds can progress faster. Atm its just huge grind wall. And if u want this boons, u need to join guild 20 lvl and for that u need pay big price. If new players see this, they mostly leave game.
Too much grind again. All what we need should be 100% drop from HE's and skirmish. Need hafl day to play all this missions for boons, than ure tired and just no time for dungeons. Not even finished tyrany boons, started with stk, not even made hafl from stk come new one with same HAMSTER. Boooooooring.
U have something personal with gf's arent u?! Nerf bondings and they cant dps so much anymore. Or its cuz of pvp? Only u have so much free time to whine about gf "dps". Devs pls dont listen him, he is always trolling here about gf's, now also about dc's.
Let they bring back temp hp to gwf, why they even remove it?! Cuz of to much whining I guess. NCL?! PvP in mmo never will be balanced I guess. If u wanna "balance" than all weapons, ench have to be same. And no boons.. and no mount bonus...and no insignia... Well I recoment u some shooter action game, there is balance :D…
Again whining about gf, and again same person. SW/CW do insane dps, if they cant outdps gf than its learn to play issue. Its all about bonding stones now, its long time ago bonding stones should be nerfed.
Lot of transmutation helmets and again dragonborn race got ignored! Only orcus mask available :(. Can you guys make it available for db race as well?! Please?! :'(
Ohh how nice, and so sweet, u guys pitty other team and let them win. Cool story. When I faced same premade 2 times, we lose only match started, they waited us at camp fire and only u jump down u got killed. I offer trade caps, answer was "no trade for u". Yes all clear. I should queue for classic domi, and pray to meet…
For thoses who against solo queue. You guys dont get simple thing: we want solo queue. Its so hard to understand it?! So much bla bla things. We want option to play solo and not meet premades. You want premade? yw queue classic domi. We want solo queue to not meet coach potatoes from pvp guilds.
Yep easy way, just disabled visuals. This race ingame already long enough, devs could made at least few headwears for this time. We ask not much. :smile:
Fool's crown?! No ty :D. Designers need to work a bit, at least redcap helmets or something else make for dragonborn race. At least one hat, universal and for all classes. Masquerade masks and any other hats looks fine on dragonborn race.
+++ For solo! Please devs add solo queue for always. It was very fun when event was on. It is veeery nice have an option to queue solo. Premades sucks.