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  • I buy my wards for 100k at the AH.
  • Smartest way to spend 1mil is to flip enchantments to make more, then have enough to buy both a cat, enchantments and T2 gear. Basically, look for shards/enchantments where the cost of buying 4 of the lower ones + a ward is considerably cheaper than the cost of buying the fused version. I've been able to make consistent…
  • The highest I've been able to stack is 5 stacks. My biggest pet peeve with it is it's radius. It's so tiny that to reliably hit more than 2 people with it you have to use it during Singularity.
  • Good guide, my only addition is that Conduit of Ice is awesome with a Thaumaturge spec in both PvE and PvP. Pretty much agree with everything else.
  • That's perfectly valid, but keep in mind Bitter Cold only works on Chilled targets (Icy Rays being the only thing that will Chill in this build) so the damage buff won't be a flat out 5% total damage increase. Going with Elemental Empowerment is just as valid too. Where you put those lasts 5 points is really up to personal…
  • I heard the same thing too a while ago and reported it. If it hasn't been fixed already it will eventually will and I didn't feel like spending $5 down the road to respec once that happens so I just went with it.
  • It breaks the economy because the game was not designed so that a 5 players can do 30 delve runs in a one hour event. That sort of influx of T2 sets throws everything off balance and punishes the legit players. For example, a legit player might be able to do one or two delve runs in an hour, and price his two drops at 50k…
  • Again this has nothing to do with it. Also guard doesn't work the same way stamina does (i.e. no infinite guard). I have already reported the bug, but for the sake of saving the game's economy if the GMs still don't know about it send me a message and I'll describe so it can be fixed before it's too late.
  • What I'm talking about has nothing to do with GF's infinite damage bug or infinite stamina. Basically any class can replicate the exploit I'm referring to, which is why I hope PWE realizes of its magnitude and bans/fixes things before re-opening the AH.
  • Not even close, but yeah, infinite stamina has been around for a week or two now. Doesn't have much of an impact in the economy though.
  • I don't want to get the thread deleted by describing the exploit, all I'm going to say it that it's worse than the GF/PK farm together. People are clearing T2 delves so quickly that basically the limiting factor is how fast you can reset and re-form the group. Needless to say NWE needs to hold back the AH and take care of…
  • I've played with both Renegade and Thaumaturge in PvP. Thaumaturge destroys Renegade every single time. The reason to go Thaumaturge is for the extra 20% damage on Icy Rays and -15% mitigation on CoI, that along with the damage buff Icy Rays receive by being in the Mastery slot means it will hit for 7-8k normal and crit…
  • It has a 5% chance to proc after you attack basically (encounters and at-wills). Once it procs it lasts 8 seconds. I haven't been able to confirm if it works on DoTs, but it feels like it procs a lot more than 5% of the time. Definitely a must have in every DPS oriented CW build.
  • Here's my spec/gear. Works like a charm in PvP: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?250782-Lvl-60-CW-PvP-Video-Thaumaturge-Spec
  • Had a couple people ask me about my spec/gear. Spec is: Weapon Mastery 3/3 Toughness 3/3 Wizard's Wrath 3/3 Arcane Enhancement 3/3 Focused Wizardry 3/3 Fight On 5/5 Thaumaturge: Tempest Magic 5/5 (currently bugged for tieflings) Snap Freeze 5/5 (currently broken too) Far Spell 5/5 Transcended Master 5/5 Assailing Force 1/1…
  • Repel is alright, but with the right spec Icy Rays can crit for 10 to 12k damage, and it roots for 2-3 seconds, which is about as much time as Repel buys you against melee.
  • Must haves for a CW in PvP: Magic Missile Ray of Enfeeblement Entangling Force Icy Rays (Thaumaturge spec) Conduct of Ice (Thaumaturge spec)
  • Did he dodge them?
  • Tenebrous for PvP where burst damage is king. For PvE, it depends. Will you be sitting there doing sustained deeps 100% of the time? Or will you be moving around a lot? The more you have to move the better Tenebrous becomes because it does it's damage in short bursts instead of sustained. That's why it's so good for PvP.
  • Pretty much agree with everything you said, especially about Icy Rays and Tenebrous enchantments being overlooked in PvP.
  • I've been able to out-DPS 99% of CWs I've team with in T1s and T2s with. I out-DPS only about 60% of rogues. Basically, to out DPS rogues you have to have better gear, a better build and hope they are not very good. Also, CW single target damage is no where near as strong as TR, so you need to concentrate on AoE. Chill…
  • It was a different person. It's funny because tonight I came across another chain knockback GF so it looks like they're becoming more common. It's pretty much impossible to 1vs1 one as a CW, or at least I haven't been able to figure out how. They can knock you down from range, charge you and keep you knocked down for what…
  • Most of the GFs I've fought aren't very good and get destroyed. I've only really fought one GF that wiped the floor with me. He chained knocked me down and killed me before I could get up. Never lost like that to any other class so I remember it as clear as day. If that's a sign of what's to come when GFs get more…
  • Against TRs it's all about predicting what they will do and dodging at the right moment. Luckily their stealth is not perma, so chances are they will go into stealth only after they see an enemy. If you see a rogue stealth in your direction then assume he's coming for you and estimate how long it will take for him to reach…
  • I'm Thaumaturge spec at 60 because: * AoE 15% mitigation debuff with COI. * Snap Freeze means 20% increased damage on Chill Strike/Ice Knife * Far Spell gives you some extra range on MM and CS. * Tempest Magic grants 10% more damage to targets below 30% (currently bugged with Tieflings). * Elemental Empowerment adds 30%…
  • I agree with you, except that the 4 piece PvP set bonus is currently not working (it doesn't grant 25% CD reduction like it should). Other than that, I value crit and power equally. I went 25% crit and put the rest in power. I also got tons of recovery since Control gear seems to have a lot of that. I imagine if I were a…
  • You bring an excellent point, which is not just CCing but also reducing the enemies' fighting capabilities. And boy can CWs do this right. A Thaumaturge spec can do CoI (AoE 15% mitigation debuff), RoE (>15% mitigation debuff), 10% defense debuff for 3 secs after each Arcane power with Elemental Empowerment, throw in a…
  • The PvP set bonus (25% CD reduction on mastery) doesn't work.
  • Confirming the CW PvP set is broken and does not work.
    in CW pvp Set Comment by qrytical May 2013