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  • Tooltips: Armor Penetration: Resistance ignored Lvl 40 Control Wizard .. no one could tell me what this stat does for me. Does it ignore armor .. and so becomes useless or does it ignore magic resistance and so it becomes a huge DPS increase.
  • Normal "que pugs" at lvl 30 dungeons dont have the gear or the skill to deal with a nonstop stream of adds. They either ingore them and wipe or dps them and ignore boss and wipe. There is a BIG difference from "boss spawns some adds at certain points during the fight" to "boss spawns adds nonstop" You either tank adds and…
  • Mad Dragon lvl of difficulty for a lvl 30 character ( who may have lvl 25ish gear ) is above everything else. I reached it with 3 groups ( aprox 10 tries in total ) all unsuccessful. You have to put so much dps on neverending adds that you have no dps for the actual boss. And the little "whelps" that in a "normal game"…