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  • I have to admit that I'm really disappointed with these planned changes. The HR class is intended to have a pure dps role. However, under current rules, I regularly find my HR being matched or beaten in dungeon dps charts by CW (controller) and GWF (dps-tank hybrids) characters with lower offensive gear score. In pvp I…
  • It's simple enough. New content = sales. Sales = game continues. No sales = no more game for anyone. It's better to have 90% of what you want than 0% of what you want.
  • IBS hits targets in a 3' cylinder around your reticle. So, if you use Come and Get it to draw the mobs in so that they're stacked half on top of each other, yeah, you can easily get a bunch at once, especially if they're small monsters. I also drop IBS when a CW is using Arcane Singularity, either right before the mobs go…
  • I love my cleric. I started this game on a GWF, found no one needed me, rolled a CW and it didn't suit my playstyle, switched to DC, and it's now my favorite character. In PVE solo content I can blow through Sharandar daily quests in half the time it takes my GWF. I can run as DPS with my guildies and sometimes top the…
  • In general an on-target rant, but I'd draw an exception for the boons. At end-game, almost everyone has half of their stats soft-capped. Boons are a great way to cheaply improve the stats you neglected and make your character well-rounded. +250 power, defence, and deflect and +700 hp would help almost any cleric hit a…
  • Damage output is low when leveling. The lashing light build really gets its effectiveness from a synergy of many resources that haven't yet come together for you. However, it is possible to level quite decently with a cleric. Here are some ideas (you are probably already doing at least some of these): * Keep a healing word…
  • This is hands-down the best analysis of diminishing returns I've seen yet, or am likely to see. Bookmarked. Excellent work, thank you.
  • I wonder if the 400 damage is subject to modification by Power and weapon enchants, or if it's a flat 400. If it gets an extra 200-500 from Power and procs weapon buffs, that would definitely not suck. Looking through the Sentinel feat tree, I found Defiance, which at 5/5 gives +25% threat and +25% Defense to both Slam and…
  • Heh. Emergency maintenance. Actually, I'll say great job Cryptic for swiftly reacting to and correcting a problem. Stuff is gonna happen. You guys were on your game and picked up the ball as soon as it dropped. Kudos.
  • I just need to mention that the entire Fury of the Feywild update is made of win and awesome. Bravo, design team! Bravo.
  • I'd love to be able to zone players in and out from within the Moonstone Mask. For example, there's a non-interactable door in the Moonstone Mask, and I'd like a player to be able to rent a room and enter through that door during a quest. Sure would be nice if we could use that door.
  • I started with the wayward wizard and used him up until about level 40. I was pretty happy with his AOEs, and since he tended to hang back in fights, i didn't have to worry about him too much. WW started dying on me, though, and because he was behind me it was difficult to notice and heal him. I switched to the sellsword,…
  • You had me right up until "poorly suited for it". There isn't any other class in the game with any meaningful ability to heal others. I'd agree though that excessive focus on astral shield cooldowns is a bad idea. While I use AS, I also slot one or two good AOE encounters and an AOE daily. When the right situation presents…
  • I really can't see how the devs might think this. Slam is a low-level power. Characters who are leveling have slam, but don't have tene because their gear can't slot it (even if they could pay for the enchant, which most can't). Most characters at level 60 could slot tene, but don't because either 1) they can't afford it,…
  • Random drop rate is random, but I picked up that High Prophet piece on my third DD trip through Cragmire. IMO, Cragmire is one of the more fun dungeon crawls too, very much like a classic D&D adventure, so it wasn't tiresome at all.
  • How often does your Disciple of Divine Lore proc from Healer's Lore? Does it seem to check every 8 seconds whenever you have Healer's Lore slotted, or does it proc only when you heal? If it's the former and it procs often, I can see how it would be very useful. If not, I'm wondering if a different passive might work just…
  • This attitude would be an example of why developer fixes to prevent spawncamping are necessary. As long as some players are of the opinion "if I can do it then you deserve to have it done to you", then well-tested, effective game fixes are the only solution.
  • Quoted for truth. There are major imbalance problems in the PVP portion of the game. Brace yourself for 60. If you want to stick on through it, here are some suggestions: * PVP with the best gear you can get. Search the auction house for rare items appropriate for your level, especially those that say "this is normally a…
  • QFT. If I burn my sprint getting close to a CW, I can't chase him when he ports. If I save it, it takes me forever to run up to him and get knocked back several times, and by the time I'm fighting him his friends are targeting me too and I have to use sprint to bail out. Half the time another GWF sprints to follow me, or…
  • Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. But it's not so much class balance as gear/skill balance here. If I play against a hardcore pvp gamer with a dedicated pvp spec in T2 pvp-optimized gear, and I am a casual or primarily pve player just looking to have a good time in pvp, he's going to get an easy win against me and I'm not…
  • I think the OP is actually making a different point than that. He's looking for competitive matches. I can get behind that idea too. I like close-fought games against nearly equal opponents: win or lose, everyone has fun. When my side really crushes the opposition, I actually feel kind of bad for the other players. They…
  • I have to say, as the player of a 60 GWF, your description doesn't match my experience. I can agree with you that CW has a difficult time against GWF. I can pop Unstoppable while being lifted or dragged, so I can pretty easily escape a CWs control. OTOH, I can't hit Unstoppable while prone or dazed, so TRs and GFs have a…
  • Thatsonius makes a good point here. I tend to do average at best in pvp with my GWF. Now, I know part of that is skill; I play maybe 3-6 pvp matches per day, and I don't have the practice or experience of somebody who plays 30+ matches daily. However, it's also true that significant parts of my character aren't useful in…
  • I had a similar problem when leveling. This is how I worked through it: * Rhix is your best friend. At least 50% of your in-game time should be spent running daily quests, including foundry, dungeon, skirmish, and pvp. Level your leadership and choose the leadership missions that reward astral diamonds. Save up your gold;…
  • I've played through a dozen or more Foundry missions and this one is the best by a significant degree. You leveraged the strength of the Foundry as a story-telling medium by focusing on exploration, discovery and action, with a tight, focused story about the one character we don't need to be introduced to and are already…