12 ish runs of CN today back to back. One new item. No orange rings or shard. Same basic junk. You just made life much much harder for people to get their stuff done as no one w/out keys will want to run. Farming for keys is about as awesome as relic hunting. Not impressed.
Thanks Cryptic, I have 2 characters who had paid MILLIONS of AD to upgrade mounts to purple (DC=Sunite Horse, TR=Wolf of the Wild Hunt) In both cases, the mounts have been returned to their bags as Green ranked mounts with 80% speed. Mod 9 just released, and my very first impression is, "I've been robbed!" Like Marco Rubio…
Wow. The players were begging for the return of truly epic dungeons. What did we get? Lighting that beams in from windows on opposite sides of a hallway at the same opposing angles? 1/4 of a fan favorite dungeon updated with mobs from the content fans dislike the most? Most players I know would have been very happy to play…
WOW!!! C Wards have been in the trade bar store since we had a trade bar store. They are the only thing I have ever spent trade bars on. I guess Cryptic and PWE won't miss the $20-$50/week I have spent buying Zen to buy keys on top of my 12 months of VIP. I haven't traded my AD for Zen, so this is real cash they are…
I'm really looking forward to this change. I personally like to have as much control over the visual aspect of my characters as possible. Now I won't have to spend millions of AD training up a green mount that just fits the image I have in mind for a toon. I notice that the photo shows the Emperor Beetle with a passive and…
I am guessing that they chose these dungeons because their shorter length makes them more "casual friendly." They purposefully reduced the length of some of the current dungeons that were reworked for Mod6. Hopefully, they do not continue this trend once they bring back the remaining dungeons and BoE loot. As we still…
Awesome move, Cryptic. LoL, I have spent millions over the past 3 years transmuting, so I definitely like the reduction. Now please allow us to disable visuals on armor enchantments, so that we can see our pretty clothes instead of globs of red/black/whatever
Actually the bonus is useful for those of us running multiple alts through the campaign. I run 4 characters through HEs daily in IWD. 4 HEs and some BI caps all 4 on ichor by the end of the week while allowing me to progress both campaigns and play other content like SH and dungeons on my main. My alts are mainly to fill…
The Lair Quest Givers used to have an indicater light up over them, but the indicater has not appeared for months, unfortunately. It would be nice if they would return for those players who are not familiar with the issue, such as newer players. I had to explain this in guild chat the other day to people who swore I was…
I can most definitely verify this. I bought 3 Vellosk maps once they became available and went to Vellosk. As I stated in the post that beckylunatic linked, each run resulted in Cashmere rather than Cashmere Wool. The AH is loaded with Cashmere but lacks any postings of Cashmere Wool or Cashmere Yarn.
no, I have worked the first Mastercraft mission set with every profession. It wants the tier 3 item from a level 25 task that creates blue items, not purple, in almost every case (excluding Alchemy which actually uses a nontiered common task). You can easily find the tasks you need by reading the Wiki pages on professions.…
you have to achieve the tier 3 result utilizing purple assets for a maximum 60% success ration in order to craft the Gemmed variant, otherwise you will receive the Superior Ring
They were originally part of the possible rewards from the Gond event. Last year, they added them to the possible drops from Winter Festival. The Forgehammer has never been available through the Zen market or lockboxes, so it is unlikely to be placed in the trade bar store.
Also, change your email password and run a virus scan. If someone compromised your account, they would have had to be able to intercept the new computer verification email for the code. Unless you fix the breach, they will just do it again.
Will guilds without the Adventurer's Guild be able to purchase the (Adventuring Maps?) yet? We do need to be able to get the masterwork components afterall.
I see that the ADX and AH will be experiencing another avalanch with the Trabe Bar changes. I do have a couple of questions: 1. How will this effect Zen Coupons from invocation? (half the coupons that drop seem to be for fashion items) 2. Will the Trade Bars and Silvery Dragon Scales be combining into 1 currency? (Please)
Personally, I pretty much ignore what the Dungeon/Skirmish leaderboards say. GFs mitigate so much damage that they are easily "out tanked" according to the leaderboard, even though they obviously did their job. There is no way a single target DPS class can compete with an AoE DPS class without nerfing the AoE damage into…
I definitely agree. It feels like all I do is grind the same content over and over and over and over and...... I'm afraid to actually spend my AD to progress my characters, because I don't know how long/often I will be able to earn it. I expect prices to drop and some things, so I don't feel comfortable purchasing them…
Sorry to have crossed over the forum rules line, guys, I just was reacting on a gut level at 4;30 am and wanted you guys to be aware of this group's actions. This type of scam is even more damaging, in my opinion, than the AD sellers. There are teens and otherwise innocent individuals who play this game who might not…
They keep sending this. [Tell] From [Character name@handle]: Visit this site and claim your StrongHolds Free Legendary Mount Rewards at link removed I reported both as spam. I would hope no one would fall for this, but I know better. A newer more trusting guild member just lost his account to what sounds like this scam…
LOL, pay 1/2 million AD to join a guild? With the current AD landscape? That is 20+ days worth of grinding dungeons/skirmishes/pvp on 1 character. People with jobs and lives can possibly cut that in half with alts, if they have really good teams
I have an OP tank at 2.898 capable of any PvE content. I do not yet have a PvP build, but have done PvP and understand the idea behind winning GG and Domination. I have played since Beta and have a good understanding of each class, having soloed each to lvl 70. The recent changes to Leadership and AD have me looking to…
Apparently you still have to talk to Rhix after running the dungeon to collect the 3k AD bonus from doing the Daily Mission that you receive automatically. I would not have understood this if not for guildies having found it accidentally.