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  • The major difference is their power source. As a martial class, the Rogue's power comes from training and practice. The Assassin, however, traded a part of their soul to the Shadowfell in exchange for power. This is reflected in their powers, like the fact that the Assassin utilizes poisons. Ultimately, they can play…
  • I don't understand why people are still talking here. Feedback was given, the devs agreed, they've made changes, and we can all move on. The devs have not been specific as to what changes have been made, so there's no need for crying. Yeah, rogues are supposed to do high damage. There's a difference between doing high…
  • I wouldn't say a ton. Most of the Cleric's healing comes from secondary effects. The issue was more that Clerics always benefit from the healing spells they cast, while other group members only get heals targeted on them. This means the Cleric receives more healing spells in quantity, so they're balancing it by reducing…
  • Line of sighting means pulling a group of enemies then getting out of their line of sight, forcing them to come to you. It's an easy to way to bring ranged mobs closer so you can control and damage them.
  • For some abilities, this is true. I never had a problem hitting with Sly Flourish, it's pretty fast. Gloaming Cut and Duelist's Flurry are both trickier to land on moving opponents, but those abilities aren't really set up for PvP. Sly Flourish and Cloud of Daggers are my prefered PvP at-wills. As for encounters, Dazing…
  • Stealth is very tricky to balance between being powerful enough to feel cool and not so powerful that it's unfair. I think it's actually in a great spot right now. I much prefer the stealth model that allows me to stealth in combat to get more use out of it than the one where I can stealth out of combat, but then spend 5…
  • So there's two different discussions happening here. 1. Whether or not the res scroll behavior should be defined as "Pay to Win." 2. Whether or not the res scroll behavior is a problem. For some, any Pay to Win system is a problem, so if the answer to 1 is yes, 2 is yes also. Others feel as though Pay to Win is only a…
  • I don't think anyone's making the assumption that groups have equal skill. The fact that a less skilled group can succeed just as fast as a skilled group as long as they pay money is the very essence of Paying to Win. They're using money to get past their skill barrier. What else would you call that? Can you imagine if the…
  • Dye isn't even close to the same thing. One makes you look pretty, the other one lets you progress more quickly. I think your definition of Pay to Win is different than mine. It sounds like you're describing Pay to Win as a scenario where you cannot reasonably play the game without paying. That's not pay to win at that…
  • Recovery might be theoretically optimal, but it loses practical value every time you don't hit your abilities on cooldown. You might be forced to move, or maybe no one actually needs healing when they come up. I agree that Recovery is valuable, but I don't think valuing it over everything is wise. Int just doesn't give…
  • I think it's fine as it is. The wizard needs to stay away from their targets, while the rogue needs to stay close. Also, we get stealth. I think there is a feat that reduces the stamina cost for dodging if you want to pick it up, though. It's either that or more stamina, I forget.
  • It is offensive. Your attacks will deal more damage because they ignore enemy resistance to your attacks.
  • I know it does more damage, but does it do more damage per second? The charging takes time that I could be swinging. It just seems like it's too close to tell. I'm not against the ability per se, it just seems awfully situational and I was struggling to find a place where I'd want to use it over Wicked Strike spam. Perhaps…
  • I stealth almost every time I can. The sneak attack passive gives you +25% bonus damage while in stealth, so it's definitely worth using as often as possible. I take Shadow Strike so I can refill my stealth meter at will, too.
  • It's not about the size, it's about how you use it. Sorry, had to be said. I actually also thought the GF damage felt low during the tutorial. Until I got to the bridge where you start fighting groups of mobs. At that point, the GWF was clearing packs far faster than the other classes, so I don't think hits/enemy is really…
  • Is Reaping Strike's damage per second actually higher? I couldn't really tell. It does good damage when fully charged, but it almost seemed like if i had been spamming Wicked Strike instead, I'd have done the same amount. Maybe it scales better at higher levels, I didn't get too far with it. Do people use a low charge…
  • Xorlarrin Baenre Mizzrym Barrison Del'Armgo Duskryn