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  • thanks for the dragon hoard and CN door fix and the legendary quality drop down menu option. can u please make other currency discardable as well? for example different event currencies (ie fireblossom pedals,masquerade token, medallion of battle). option to discard some campaign currency as well would be nice like thayan…
  • they have been told time and again about those exploits and they just dont fix them. it is not a matter not putting them in patch notes.
  • Still no fix for the exploits of Castle Never? seriously? Reported this time and again but seems something more drastic is needed. so here it goes. Ppl get in Castle Never during DD event they get the chest unlocked and it doesnt expire so they get after the end of DD in and just find a dead dragon instance and loot the…
  • i wonder if they will ever fix the exploit that is reported time and again for Castle Never. both the chest one (if u get in during DD the chest stays open after so ppl just go in and out CN until they find a open chest at the end with the dragon dead) and the one where some classes can get on the gate and aggro just the…
  • i wonder if they will ever fix the exploit that is reported time and again for Castle Never. both the chest one (if u get in during DD the chest stays open after so ppl just go in and out CN until they find a open chest at the end with the dragon dead) and the one where some classes can get on the gate and aggro just the…