It already reduces armor by 10% when feated. Couple that with the feat that reduces armor by 30% and Prophecy of Doom AND Divine Glow you actually do not need to build armor penetration like a Trickster Rogue has to to get the most effective DPS.
Channeling Divinity with Break the Spirit makes it stun. I have had a feeling since BW2 that most clerics don't use anything more than Daunting Light, Chains, Healing Word, Sun Burst, and Bastion of Health.
I crashed once due to the fact I play on a toaster. Then I crashed twice when we were zoning out of a mini quest dungeon because the game would try to place the entire five man group in a quest zone instance that was full.
AMA stated that they are internally testing end game content and making sure they are doable without cash shop items. Read the AMA on reddit. There's lots of things pointing out that the game will not be pay2win. Of course they could be lying. Who knows?
I am lvl 50 cleric who played Spellplague Caverns (Lvl 52). Our Control Wizards knocked all the monsters off the cliffs (not sure if intended). I think it was the third boss in Spellplague that summoned Berserkers (charging/leapers) that was a bit rough. But voice communication triumphed. The Frozen Heart (Lvl 45) is easy…
Very skewed view due to your low levels. Even Astral Seal falls off as you get higher level. It falls from our strongest heal all the way to our fourth strongest. In order, Forgemaster's Flames is our strongest heal (Channel Divinity), then Astral Shield (Channel Divinity), then Soothing Light (Channel Divinity), then…
I wonder if the AI is targeting the character with the highest Charisma since that character would be the "leader." Just a silly idea based off some GMs that like to attack the "party leader" in 4e.
Not necessarily. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but after running the game with a non-pick up group (I was the only one that wasn't a long time friend of their's) I noticed that's there's an obvious difference between good Guardian Fighters and bad ones. I barely got mobbed when I had Guardian Fighter from the…
We actually do have access to burst healing. Our two biggest heals are Astral Shield (Channel Divinity) and Forgemaster's Flame (Channel Divinity). For a majority of the game Forgemaster's Flame has been the only healing skill on my skill bar.
As a level 50 cleric I can tell you, you don't know what's coming. There's one boss that's easier than the Blackdaggers in the game and he's the first boss in The Frozen Heart (Lvl 45) and he's easy because he spawns no adds, has no gap closer, and has long cast times on hi spell (a low damage line knock up). Everyone else…
Currently level 47 Full Attack Cleric/Armor Shredder (Upper Paragon Path) After level 30 Sun Burst starts to fall off hard in the healing department. It's only a 250 heal. That's HAMSTER. It's not justifiable to use. Left Mouse: Lance of Faith (Having all my armor shreds on I've gotten a 2.2k crit) Right Mouse: Brand of…
You think you pull aggro. Channeling Divinity with Forgemaster's Flame onto a boss will make it love you forever especially if you have all your defense shred debuffs going on it.