EXACTLY, so they should stop calling it as such. This game is NOT free to play. You just said it yourself. The moment you spend a dime, its not free to play. Ask yourself what % of people have not spent a DIME, and then take that number as your answer.
I think that Cryptic should just open the flood gates and start charging for everything, stop hiding it behind zen and astral diamonds that are becoming more and more difficult to obtain without purchasing zen. Lets face it, the truth is, the game is heading to the point where you will need to spend real money almost…
Um, if they belly up in two hours, could you theoretically lose any sleep at all? I mean I guess it depends on where you are in the world and what time it is. I feel the same way though :) Cryptic and PWE have really disappointed me.
LETS think about this for a second. AD is needed in ridiculous amounts for many things. Examples reusing enchants cost a fortune, fusing enchants require items that you can only buy with ZEN or your failure rate is ridiculous. I've blown 10 wards on 1 upgrade from 5 to 6. Its impossible to do most anything without buying…
With every day that passes NW/CRYP/PW makes every change possible to force us players to buy zen. Stay away, unless you want to spend lots of your hard earned cash.
Yeah, the fact that they keep making changes that make it harder to make AD is proof that the people running the show only care about making money. The harder you make it to earn AD the more money people spend on buying zen, they know this.
+1 NW is really digging a deep ditch for themselves with this. Instead of fixing real issues, they are busting out the nerf bat on one of the most played classes. I'm done with the BS, I have already decided to stop spending my money on it, through ZEN but now I'm seriously considering quitting this <font…
I've seen people searching for two CW's just as often or more often than two rogues. CC OP you think? Just as they nerfed clerics, they should nerf the ability for CW's to cc in tandem. You wanna be fair? You wanna bust out the Nerf Bat? Than be fair, and be real.
I'm not far behind, I"m getting desperate to play a game that is not P2W... I really hope that Elder Scrolls Online is not P2W, I would rather have the option to get everything from just playing and paying monthly.
Everquest is the one that really broke ground, WoW just beat everquest. Before EverQuest it was ultima online, but EverQuest really changed everything.
Neverwinter forums are great fun, in some cases more so than the game is to play. Its also nice to see how things progress. I don't blame him for continuing to read the forums, it allows him to keep up to date of whats really going on in the game, from the unbiased players perspective.
LOL, now you are getting the picture. Pretty soon, someone at SW will come up with the brilliant Idea, hey lets charge them zen to unbind gear, so they have to spend money to make money.
I seriously doubt that the DEV's have any power over what decisions are being made in Neverwinter. If they do, its because they are making a % of the profits and just don't care about the community. The DEVs are just doing there job as almost always is the case. The fact that they spend more time on direct profitable…
I disagree, I think that this is a sign of whats to come, they will eventually charge for everything in one for or another. They are slowly forcing you to buy AD and at some point, MOST people will either have to buy them or quit playing.
I agree and I'm not at all surprised. Its all about money and greed. They are not only designing the game to be P2W they are forcing us to buy Zen with every step they take. Calling it Zen is such an insult to the word Zen. The greed is just disgusting. Zen Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that developed in China…
I do realize that, but I think its safe to say that they are banking on people buying the packs. Thats what they are investing both time and advertising on.
Am I the only one here who thinks it disgusting that they release a BS Expansion Pack prior to fixing all the BS issues, including the new class?! That ?class has been there since the beginning, yet this expansion pack (money mongering pack) takes precedence. Yes yes, I know. They only made this game to make money, but at…
The truth is that they are too busy trying to find new ways to make money, so they haven't spent any time fixing the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that needs to be fixed in order to support new classes and whatever else we really want...
retardation, nothing better to do, and I've invested so much I cant turn away. Its like the iPhone all over again, took the HTC One to finally break the chains the bound me... I will break free!