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  • @thejawlives is AC: Syndicate worth buying? AC: Unity left a bad taste in my mouth, and I really don't want to be disappointed by another AC game. I miss AC #1, it was so good. And #2 is coming to Backwards Compat next month!
  • Oh, and btw my Pally class set-up in the Pally class forum is still viable. I will make some updates to it since I actually do run without a haste DC. I can keep my Bubble up all the time now while in any dungeon.
  • Are you crying because there is a legitimate strategy to beat ANY and EVERY dungeon? Is it a glitch, NO. Is it cheating, NO. Does it make T2 dungeon runs easier YES. I don't see the big deal. I have been one of the 2 Pallies, and I have been one of the extra DPS(TR). Both times we ran through Wolf Den with EASE. I don't…
  • TR's are no longer an issue in PvP, its the HR's. Those who post dumb comments like ^^^^^ are simply one of the 95% TR haters on this forum. Most, if not all, who are just ignorant because they die to the TR all the time lol
  • I can understand the glitching ECC, but why are you calling out the groups who have 2 pallies and DC? There is no glitch there, and it is not cheating. The game is made to have groups with different variations, and that variation makes dungeons easier. Are you just mad that you can't finish a dungeon? Sounds that way to…
  • Dragon Hoard is not broke. You just have **** luck. You only have a slim CHANCE at a drop. So get over it lol
  • This game is FREE-TO-PLAY. You can cry and try and say its not, but it is. If you feel like you NEED to spend money, then you don't know how to play your character properly. OR you just want to take the easy way out. This kind of game is all about grinding, not buying stuff.
  • What is your question? You said no trouble doing anything lol
  • Just someone else crying that the game is too hard. Simply because MOD 5 was so easy, this person never had to actually LEARN how to play their class lol. No TR I have talked with has has a problem soloing Biggrins.....but they actually KNOW how to play the class. This person sounds like they were taking advantage of…
  • My god, is someone still crying about this? Don't you have more to worry about....like the OP HR's and their perma dazing? Get with the times, the TR is no longer a issue, its the HR
  • Well, you didn't include an "All of the Above" option
  • Boo Hoo. Free AD, is free AD. You actually think posting on here will make them change it lol
  • Wait so is someone on this forum admitting that a TR did something good? What? With all the TR hate around, that is shocking
  • Well back when I first ran Kessel on my TR, Item level only about 2000 or so. Every died except for me and the healer. The DC kept the ads off me and I destroyed the boss. took like 10mins, give or take, but I got it done and everyone thanked me. They were not upset simply because I did what they couldn't lol
  • *A broken video game
  • Wait you take damage in MOD 6? No WAY!
  • A Tank is not needed in any dungeon technically. I have beaten every T1 AND every T2 without a Tank. But I can understand how you are trying to make your class useful again lol. The Paladin made the GF obsolete.
  • No, you are a little mistaken. Professions is not, and can not be FUN for anyone. All you do is select a task and then move on. If you seriously get excitement from that, then something must seriously be wrong.
  • You get Thaum bags. Which are much more beneficial than 1600 Ad
  • ' Not time consuming, you literally select the task and leave. Not expensive...unless you CHOOSE for it to be.
  • Seriously? lol no profession is difficult OR time consuming. you get on select the task and your done. 10secs worth of "time consuming" lol. I will say again, to yet another clueless player, Leadership AD was the cheapest, most lazy, and most pointless profession in game. Used by lazy players who did not want to run…
  • @fallengodloki Actually, there is still AD tasks, just gotta open your eyes.
  • Once again, I can tell you that Microsoft WILL NOT refund you money you put into the game simply because you feel cheated. You choose to buy EVERYTHING you bought, therefore you agreed that you would pay X amount of money for X item. Unless there is some glitch and you were charged for 10 things when you only bought…
  • They did give everyone a heads up that NOT ONLY was AD being removed from Leadership, but the prices of Greater Marks would drop as well. This was even before WE GOT MOD 6! Who's fault is it that you can't read? I'd say you own fault.
  • Run Skirmishes, ESoT, in an hour you can make more AD then you could with 20 Toons running leadership. I have made roughly between 40k-80k every hour. You can run it about 8 times, get 3-9k AD worth of gear/drops and then boom, in an hour have 40-80k. I never relied on leadership, and I have well over 60mil AD left lol.…
  • Ok, I never knew there was a story to this either. I mean I figured we had to beat the skeleton lady that we saw on the bridge in the beginning, but that's all I got from it. I never noticed any specific story, it is just all about doing these quests for one thing and then doing other quests for this....congrats here is a…
  • They didn't take all of them out. Almost all, but not all.
  • That is a lie. Microsoft will not refund you money you put on the game unless there was some glitch. If you spent on this game, that is your own fault and you did so without ANYONE forcing you to do so. So anyone who says they got refunded all their money because of PWES "lies, and cheats", they themselves are lying.
  • Exactly, and not ALL Pally's are useful lol. I remember trying to test how OP my OP was, after reading everyone complaining about them being OP, and so I went and ran ECC before there was a glitch.....I got shrecked. So even Pally's need to be geared and prepared for dungeons. Not even they can walk in with level 90 gear…