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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • What time of day is it when you spot a dragon? "Imleavin-o-clock"! badumdumtish! Why did the Dungeon Master cross the road? To get the the 20th side! badumdumtish! A warrior a rogue and a cleric walk into a bard...the bard rolls a natural 20 and they all fall down dead. badumdumtish! What do you get when you cross a…
  • No tattoo or the blue/green eyes that were plastered all over the promotional material for the Founder's Pack. False advertising much?
  • The eyes shown (Blue and Green) and the costume shown not being available to people that bought this is messed up. They show something and then don't give it to the people that paid for it? This will not end well for them.
  • Actually he is right. The lack of powers and the overly trimmed down UI is the #2 reason many people say the game isn't a true MMO. (#1 currently being the lack of diverse "on-the-spot" encounters that the game was touted as having.) Less can work, but too much less is going to burn people out pretty quickly and turn this…
  • Most of the time there is a character wipe before launch. One would assume that sad eventuality will be the case here too. You can never tell though.
  • This is unacceptable! I want fifteen keys so I can cuddle with them and play dress up with them and teach them how to steal honey from bees... ...oh wait...that is what I want to do with the bearmoticons! One key will be fine.