No boons should not be removed from PvP. Ridiculous suggestions. We grinded for those in the campaigns and spent months building our Strongholds to earn them. Private que will fix the issue, not punishing players who have put time into their toons.
We have that issue now! That's the whole point of a private que system. If PWE can make a private que system that works, there won't be a two hour wait. Just like making a private que to go into a dungeon, once the que is filled for a private match it's instant. That's the whole point of making a private que, so 10 players…
@ayroux, no I should not listen to you. Listening to you would make PvP a mess. And stop writing a novel with every response. All we need are private ques. End of story.
@ayroux, I am on Xbox, and I have been playing since Day 1, far from "new" to the game since it's going on over a year and half at this point. There's not one person on Neverwinter Xbox who wants boons removed. Your poll that you took has zero basis, it's a poll from PC which has a few thousand players. You do realize that…
@panderus do not remove boons from PvP. @ayroux, yes, you are in the minority, and I have never heard of your guild. And please, stop writing a novel with the same thing, we get it. You want boons and everything else removed from PvP that a lot of us worked hard to get by playing the game. It's a horrible idea, and it's…
What's funny is Forsaken Worlds, another PWE game, which is almost a mirror image of Neverwinter except the lore is Asian instead of D & D has almost identical PvP mechanics game play wise, BUT with the options of multiple PvP modes including a 3v3, 6v6,more maps & modes lol Taken directly from the description: Multiple…
@ayroux you're in the minority. Stripping boons and everything else you mentioned is a horrible idea. You don't even PvP anymore, you said so yourself. So please stop making a novel with the same argument in every response that you know what you're talking about. @theguiido
@strumslinger "We'd have to rethink rewards or even turn them off for custom matches as it might end up being easily exploited. Still, this is something that is on our radar." 100% Almost every BIS PvP player is fine with this. Our reward is simply having the option to put together private 5v5 matches with 10 players. We…
@ayroux I disagree with you on treating boons and mount bonuses like companions. They aren't even close to being in the same ballpark. And you are in the minority with your opionion about private and solo ques. Sorry man your ideas would make PvP worse. And again, please keep the solo duo que ideas out of this thread. This…
Stop making this thread about a solo que. I and many others don't care about solo or duo que. This thread is about 5v5 domination issues. If you want to talk about solo or duo que please make a separate thread for it. And @xsayajinx1, I don't care how many matches he/she may have won, removing boons from PvP is a terrible…
@ayroux removing boons and insignias is a terrible idea. The whole point of building a toon would be pointless if PvP is the focus. What you're basically saying is because YOU are bad at PvP and don't want to personally put in the time and effort to get better that you want an easy way to even the field. How is that fair?…
I 100% disagree with the OP. I am a PvP CW and I will flat out tell you that your issues in PvP are solely related to your path, feats, gear, powers, class features, insignias, boons, rotation, and skill. I do not run with a DC. There is practically no one in PvP that can take me down in a true 1v1 in Domination on a node,…
"we were "promised" solo or duo que. hope its on the way, there were even hints on preview. yesterday was late, pvp is already wasteland of absurdity" More important is fixing 5v5 domination imo. I don't know anyone who are daily PvP players that premade that care about solo or due ques. We would rather them fix domination…
"We have plans to try something out that may make this feel better." @panderus Looking forward to hearing what you have in the works. Please also give us more than two maps for 5v5 domination. I am hopeful that you're really listening to the players here.
Wow did this get off topic. My original post was about 5v5 domination and a desire to implement a private que system so 10 players can form two teams and be able to que into a private 5v5. I do not care about a solo que. Nor is lack of a solo que the issue. The main issue is a broken 5v5 que system. Please read my original…
That's why I said no rewards, this includes leaderboards. Just a vanilla private que with zero incentives where the only incentives are the thrill of the match up.
I want private PvP ques for those of us who premade to be able to play each other. Give us that, and just make the private que matches with zero rewards. This will allow pugs to earn their glory in normal ques and hopefully instantly offer some balance to PvP overall. It will also separate the real PvP players with skill…
Right on. Well if you can make sure Andy, or someone who can actually get that idea in front of someone who could make that happen that would be great. This would also temporarily fix the issues of mismatched matches and I honestly believe bring a lot of players back, and encourage more to return. Or one other option is…
Never crossed my mind since most of us who are over the 4k il have all our boons. Easy solution, give us private pvp ques for 5v5 where we can play as much as we want and just don't give us rewards if we do a private match. Zero diamonds, no leaderboard, zip, just let us have the ability to play against the teams we want…
It's very easy if PWE wants to make boatloads of cash to keep the player base we have, bring back vets who quit, and attract newer players. 1. For PvP fix the match making issues so 5v5 premades get matched with other premades and item level, and solo and duo quers get matched with other solo and duo quers. 2. For PVE,…
Heavily exploited? Joke? That makes no sense. Right now PvP is virtually unplayable because premades get matched up with pugs. This creates an unbalanced and extremely boring environment. So if you're attempting to imply that by fixing the que system for 5v5 domination to properly match up equally geared up premades is an…
What about fixing the Arc Rewards for those of us who have played the game for over a year and reach 10,000 but do not correctly show the proper points to redeem for our Nightmare mount? How about fixing the Q system in 5v5 PvP so premades can actually get matched up with other premades and not pugs?
You didn't read the posts above you sir ;) There were 4 teams in locked que and trying to que in. The issue was the servers would not get any of those teams into the game after multiple attempts because Perfect World only had 4 instances running and those were being filled by randoms who all que'd in at the 9pm EST hour.…
I am happy that even though the q system was a mess, we still found a way, even though it did not go as planned. Happy to hear some were able to get gear, and we will do this again. A big thanks to everyone who participated.
Yeah we were bummed out that it didn't go as planned. It is inexcusable that the developer of the game would run what basically comes down to 4 servers. Meaning it would make it virtually impossible for a full group of 20 in 4 q to play. What was encouraging was that everyone played regardless once we had to break q party,…
Everyone who is participating meet up in your gh near the entrance about 10mins before 9pm to form your groups. We will all q in at 9pm EST Once you load into Seige check ZONE chat. There will be a call out in the Zone to let you know which Team you're on and we will let you know if you are taking the win for that round.…