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What is the Arc Client?
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  • This worked for me as well! Thank you very much for pointing it out.
  • I'd also like to help, in any way I can.
  • This seems really interesting to me. So the problem is computer specific - or at least it was in this case. I don't have the opportunity to test my account on another machine, since my laptop probably won't run the game, but anyone else who can, please do so we can get some more data :) Overall I figure this might be a…
  • It does that loading thing for me as well, though maybe not all the time, and it eventually gets to the end. It seems to be stuck on that 90% loaded spot for maybe 2-5 minutes or so, before it eventually loads into the game. If the issue has to do with bandwidth then that sucks. I have 24mb/1mb internet (1 mb upload) which…
  • I was stuck for hours in the protector's enclave, finally got out and managed to play for a couple of hours. Now the same issue came up in the Tower district, so it does not seem to be limited to the first area. Everything worked fine until the client crashed and now that I logged back in I can't do anything... again.
  • I also managed to play quite a bit in and around blacklake, but immediately upon return to Protector's Enclave the same thing started again. Could it be that the issue only affects this starting area? For me at least it's always happened when entering protector's enclave or one of the quest areas connected to it. So far…
  • I got it to work for a bit when I let the game kick me out for being AFK - which it does as it doesn't seem to recognize any of the actions I attempt. Before I'd always exit the game myself, since that was the only command that worked. I got to play for maybe ten minutes, did a quest and started another one, but then it…
  • At least for me, the game seems to respond as normal, but nothing actually happens. I can right click on another player and choose inspect, but the window that pops up doesn't have any actual info in it. I can click on the button to report a bug, and type in a term to search for in the reported issues, but the search…
  • Yeah I got that same thing - getting teleported back to the spot where I began. Also at one point the game said I'd been away from the keyboard for over ten minutes, even though I was trying to do stuff the whole time. At that point I exited the game and tried to relog, but it didn't help.