Good job on making these more and more obscure. Braundlae's Best served them but not sure if it's still there in the current time period, and I doubt Braundlae would still be alive, so not sure if that meal is being served anywhere.
I'm not up on the latest info on how all of the different stats work. Recovery is no longer something we should really try and stack? As in it really doesn't help much or what?
I soloed through levels 1-60 as well, other than when quests told me to queue for skirmishes or dungeons. Looking back on it, I didn't have any real direction as far as a build and the choices I made with equipment weren't that great at times. So basically, while choosing the "right" gear can probably make leveling a…
I usually don't like to ask things like this as it's most often an "do whatever you feel is best for you" answer but I just got my first very rare drop, Knight Captain's Gauntlets, and I'm curious whether you all here think I should use them until I get something like the Stalwart Bulwark Gauntlets mentioned above, or if I…
In response to lordrelentless: I've played D&D for a little over 20 years now. Started with old school 2nd edition. I never liked 3rd edition and I thought 4th edition was even worse. Having said that, I find it hurts my brain less if I don't think of this game as playing D&D but just playing an MMO set in the Forgotten…
I just wanted to thank you for your guide. As I was leveling I hadn't really planned out my powers and had just tried to pick for defense/guarding because that's what I thought GF was "supposed" to be. I like to stick to PVE for the most part and it worked fine for but once I hit level 60 I found that suddenly my cleric…
I just had this happen to me. I was only seeing rare tasks and none of the normal ones. I started one of the tasks that was available and then immediately cancelled it and the task list was back to normal showing all the tasks.
At this moment, I'm standing next to the campfire by Mayor Gunderson in Rothe Valley by the village. I've got an injury (minor head injury) but I'm not getting the "Mending Wounds" buff and hence not healing. I've been standing next to the campfire for at least 10 minutes at a time, as well as moving away and re-entering…
You made a good point with the gear and how it could likely negatively affect looting behaviors. I hadn't really thought about that part of it. I'm sure there will eventually be more companions, we've already seen them introduce new ones a couple different times now, and I agree that they would likely rather do that and…
For some reason this isn't working for me. I can change the fov in game with '/gfxSetDefaultFOV 70' but I have to type it in every time I open the game. While that's not a huge deal, it would be nice if it would remember the setting.
As everyone else has said, the answer would be Danilo Thann. Good series by Elaine Cunningham. I've been meaning to re-read them. Hopefully I'll get lucky and win one of these.
As far as PC games go, Neverwinter wins. For PnP I've got to say Myth Drannor as it was a long running campaign (years) that many characters from our group participated in various ways to restore the city.
First character I make will definitely be an elf. The majority of my characters in our home Forgotten Realms game, as well as the computer games, over the years have been elves. I'm looking forward to having one on here! I love the video, and the whole Siege of Neverwinter, series. It reminds me so much of many tabletop D&D sessions I've played with friends over the past 23 years or so since I started. Unfortunately life and time has pulled my group of gaming friends apart so we no longer get the…