I ran yours with my husband. I've been just doing them with him now instead of even trying on my own. Has slowed me down, but I'm still plugging away! I loved yours, although I didn't realize that the bird was the portal, and we jumped off and had to run back up and took a lot of time trying to figure that out, lol. Other…
Snap-to-grid function. You can see where it is to toggle it on and off here: http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Map_editor-Basics_of_the_Major_Sections It's number 10.
I just don't think that running your own quest all the way to the end is an exploit. I'm a player. I count as a player. I can't short-circuit through my own quest any more than anyone else can. So why should I not count? None of my plays have counted. Which as I said, doesn't make sense to me. I'm a player. I have to spend…
You have to use the exploit to report the exploit. Do you think that someone like me is going to exploit and then excuse it with, "well, I only cheated so that I could report that it's a cheat"? If nothing can be accomplished by a discussion such as this, then are you saying that no one who has input on it reads or will…
Now, just a second here, please. I definitely did not say they don't care! Please re-read what I said, which was never once that they don't care. In point of fact, if I felt they didn't care, I would not take my time to use my voice; for I would believe it would go unheard. I do think that at least someone there definitely…
Yes, but my friend, you're dealing in 'should' and not in the reality of what's occurring in the game. These exploits are NOT being dealt with. So author count has been nerfed in a way that harms legitimate authors, because of other exploits that should be stopped, but aren't being stopped. I feel frustrated that you (by…
With gentle respect, how is that different to what's happening now? There are only exploit maps at the top of the list right now, anyway. So clearly it is doing nothing to deter people from this. But it is harming legitimate authors tremendously. People can do what you're saying right now. They just get onto another…
I don't think it's very valid, personally. I think that the number of authors who even post here is miniscule compared to the number that use the foundry. Also people who use the foundry and post here, and will fill out a poll, have a certain mindset. If you wanted a more realistic poll, you'd want to poll authors across…
I don't ask to be able to rate it. I only ask that my own runs of it count towards 20 runs. I don't KNOW 20 people, and asking to trade reviews here (and having guildies run it) has only gotten me to about 18 runs (and half of those are my long-suffering husband, bless his heart). You don't see why that's a problem? All it…
Aye. Only way to overcome it is to place white lighting here and there to look like puddles of light. Maybe try instead to make it nighttime and find a way to put up stars. Use the big round whirly shield thing to look like a moon... use black depth fades to look like a black sky, and some of those gold balls to look like…
That darkness problem can be fixed using one of the preset interior lightings... shadowfell. While it's sort of an ugly yellow interior lighting, it is the least dark lighting and you can actually see the tops of caverns if you use that one.
My husband has his own account, and that's what I'm saying. Only his runs have been counting, mine have not. And I'm sorry, and this is not towards you... but to claim they're trying to prevent exploits is disingenuous at best. This ONLY and exclusively cripples legitimate authors. It is beyond abundantly clear that it…
I don't really do polls like this, because my priorities are not the priority of the majority, so I'd skew the poll. :p The majority want to get in and get out. However, I personally build towards a niche. I am looking for the type that wants to be able to use my quest in multiple ways. I am looking for the kinds who want…
I think you may be best off just making it look like the sky is 'breaching' the interior here and there. Sometimes you have to kill your darlings in this kind of thing just as much as you do in writing. Put in a fair number of those skylight looking details and let that do what it can to show that the top is frequently…
I agree, use the white fades. Also use some of the 'cloud' boxes, things, whatever they are called (just put cloud in search on details tab). I'd use the white fade boxes, the blue dynamic light just below them, and cloud boxes. Although the cloud box things are huge, so you want to be sure it doesn't bleed into another…
You know, I don't think very much of typos in a situation like this, unless it's riddled with them. I mentioned them because your over-all appearance was that you are as much a stickler as I am, and I think you would be happier knowing they were fixed. Really loved your quest and felt it was very nice. I will make a point…
You know, I think most people just want to be acknowledged. I think that you gave your feedback in a spirit of honesty and a desire to help, and I appreciate that.
Thanks for your comment. I'll see what I can do to get to yours tomorrow. Appreciate you taking the time for a run through and to type up your viewpoint. It's helpful to see different views.
This is a pretty cute area. Nicely decorated. Some of your emotes don't seem to make sense, but I guess since it's a little silly and fun anyway, that's no big thing. She's The Loving Lady, but your instructions say talk to the Lovely Lady. (minor detail) Second level could use a little love in the dungeon. Apparently, I'm…
I dunno, I'm a little amused that mine drives you through rocks and barns and up steep cliffs. :p "Fairy HAMSTER trail" remains my favorite name for it, by the by.
Love the lab! Excellent placement on the runes. I find them a challenge. The second area was also very nice. Small touches can make a big difference. Peeked your interest should be piqued your interest (an extremely common error, by the way), and this lead to a war should be led to a war (lead = metal, led = guide you…
Fixed Kim and Manuela. I think I can fix the Felix thing now that you mention it. I made a change to him, so he goes to the same area either way... just as well only use one of him. Thanks for mentioning it! Fixed and fixed everything else already! :) I'm going to add an item in the torture room that maybe will give some…
Okay, got back and got into the Ruined Temple after a bit of jockeying around with honey. I like the 'flavor' conversations in the tavern, and your entry area to the outside of the temple is particularly beautiful. I really like how complete it is, and some of the less obvious entrances, too. Cleverly done so that they…
Alright, so long story short... I have tried everything to run this quest now. I got a telephone call in the middle of running it with my husband on our two characters. It was a very important phone call (our 6 year old is getting an insulin pump), so I told him to go ahead and take off and I'd finish it later. We logged…
I think that most Foundry authors use "standard" or "hard" monsters. Try mine out if you like, and see if it's not easier up to the end guy. I think you'll be surprised, because I used almost ALL "easy" monsters. I've tried other foundries on my character and, like you, I find that I struggle almost consistently. Some of…
Thanks to all of you, I have changed a bunch of inappropriately named items. I have changed Felix's dialogue about the teleporters to be more explanatory, I hope. I've added a hint or two of trouble here and there so that at least one part of the final battle (if you choose a certain dialogue option with the traitor) won't…