This has happened to me as well. It started happening a couple of patches ago (I've lost of how many it's been). I initially thought it was just my ISP, but it only happens with Neverwinter so I started poking around. It seems like my system is interpreting some quirk of Neverwinter data streaming as an attack. So it is…
I do not gain any AD at all when I claim using gateway. :( I just tested it, noted down the amount of AD I had, logged out, used gateway to claim leadership tasks, logged back in - same amount of AD.
My experience has been pugs suck. pugs always suck, but they seem to suck worse in this game than anywhere else I've ever seen. Everyone focuses in with tunnel vision on the boss, leaving all adds to jump the cleric. No one talks, it's just the worst run through the dungeon as quickly as you can fests that I've ever seen.…
The AD are split. You get 200 when you open the chest because it is splitting the loot between the 5 group members. Watch your chat, you will see you get 200 whenever a groupmate loots the chest. That's what's happened for me, anyway.
I spent $60 on the guardian pack, and won't spend a dime more until they drop the prices in the store. I *want* to spend more money on this game because I like supporting games I enjoy! But the pricing is way to high, and spending anything shows support for the pricing. So until they reconsider and either drop pricing…
I would +1 this, or like it if I could. All the details were right there when I bought mine. I read it all and made my decision. To the people complaining about the fluctuating queue numbers - did you even read the first post? That's clearly stated to be a display error.
If it helps any, last night while gaming my hubby let loose a spell that had a damage roll of 9d6. He rolled all 6s. So while it's not d20s, crazy stuff can happen. I saw a crazy wild roll last night. XD
You don't need to make a charac ter to save a name. Cryptic's naming policy means you can have the same name as someone else. So you could have a character named Lawson, I could have one named Lawson, and so could anyone else. It's just that none of us could have 2 characters named Lawson.
This is a large reason I very much miss the old style of MMORPGs. Downtime = socializing. When you're all sitting healing up and medding after a fight, you're socializing. Making friends, getting to know your fellow groupmates, RPing. With the rapid fire fight to fight to fight style of play that MMORPGs have begun using,…
Ah, you put it better than I did. Similar point though. I'm glad someone else seems to be reacting in a similar fashion! :) Waiting on the drow itself isn't a big deal to me. Having been led to believe for years that the drow would be available, and now this sudden change of mind is what I'm objecting to. I only see two…
It IS refuteable. Since what many people are upset about isn't not getting the drow. It's having been told for years -if you want to quibble, it's having been led to believe that all races would be in for free at launch - that the drow would be in at launch, and now suddenly it isn't. That's the part that so many people…
The only people I've seen proclaiming the game is doomed are people who keep trying to put those words into the mouths of people who are bothered by the drow delay. There are people who won't be playing the game because of this decision. But not of them that I've seen have declared the game is doomed because of it. And…
What part of "I don't care at all about the drow, I'd been planning a tiefling. But I *do* care about the way Cryptic/PWE chose to go about handling this." did you not understand? It's not the drow. I don't care about the drow. I care about how they handled this. ambisinisterr outright said they didn't come out directly…
Yeah, exactly. I'd been considering purchasing the packs, I just hadn't decided which one yet. Now I won't be purchasing any of them. And both the likelihood that I'll buy something after launch and the amount I'll be spending has gone down. I don't care at all about the drow, I'd been planning a tiefling. But I *do* care…
The main issue isn't the wait. The main issue is the impression that was left that the drow would be available for free to everyone at launch, which is now being changed. And changed in such a manner. They weren't up front about it, they snuck it in because they knew people would be upset. That's sneaky and underhanded,… Hero of the North purchasers. So no drow for you for 60 days. :(
Please tell me where I said people are forecasting the death of the game because of the delay on drow? What I said was that I know a guild who had been planning on making a drow RP guild here in Neverwinter. Who now won't be playing because despite having been told previously that the drow will be available at launch, are…
Hah, that would be why I am not finding them. The forums have changed since then, so I wasn't sure where to be looking. I'd been assuming I was just looking in the wrong places. lol
Actually, try 50-75, depending on who decided to come over, likely more than that, as a bunch of them had friends from other games they were sweet talking into coming to Neverwinter. They were going to make a drow RP guild. Now they've all decided just to stay in Tera because they all were working on character concepts for…
It was officially stated when the founder's packs first went on sale, and everyone freaked about drows only being available to people who paid $200. I'll look and see if I can find it.
I really think this was a bad decision, and one that's going to hurt the game's population. :( Many people that I know won't wait for 60 days, they are simply deciding not to play at all. Especially with the "at least 60 days" line.