not true buddy, i can still break you off on your hr or tr :) like a few here seem to know what they're talking about, tr's are most deadly if played right... with a lot of stamina and recovery it's close to impossible to kill one or to survive. ever since i started the post i reviewed my pvp loadout and thus made some…
SW: there is a bug that has been around for about 2 years and it's most revealing at the beholders encounter in SH. hellbringer, fury, using KF, DT, FB as some of the ecounters, TC daily power, dread enchant: at least half the dmg comes up as zero's for some reason in both normal dmg and crits and happens during the whole…
i think it's too much bs having us used to being awesome dps and now you come and take it away... for what ? if you want to give us buffs then rework the damnation path not the whole damn class... last mod i was among the few remaining best sw's in pve and finally had a good build in pvp too and now i can't find my self…
I am getting the exact error since new mod went live last night. Longest i've had the game on was about a minute and when it's not the game that freezes then it's the whole computer and i have to shut down and restart from the button. I'm the leader of a guild, please do something to fix this!!!!!!!!!!!
hmm, i gave templock a go about 5 months ago i think and i was pretty happy with it. Heals were better than a buff dc or 3k< dc and buffs were okay i guess, not amazing but i was doing a good job. Edemo was most fun i have to say since group healing was much wider. My only problem was finding out which weapon enchant was…
first of all msva is out of reach for many players who even though meet the il req they can't find a group to run with, also some classes are being overlooked when grouping for msva. so making the new weapons at least as strong as the relic ones, if not stronger since it's a new mod, would be fair to everyone who doesn't…
i agree, the grind is something to be expected and it doesn't bother me either. what does bother me though is that we didn't even have the choice of giving our opinnion on what we would have wanted to have as a mod10 extension. i personally really dislike the whole somi, bryn, cold run, winter and snow places. in the…
there are way too many between 3.3k and 4k who don't do the dmg they should simply because they don't follow a good build or the rotations that come with it. also getting rid of life steal is not an option, i would suggest tweaking the powers for the class which life steal makes it possible to solo dungeons although that…
lol, talk about competitiveness they made mSVA pretty elitist. i see so many over 3k asking for group and no one bothers with them... and don't tell me about nSVA because the rewards aren't even worth the while...
thank you!! i'm not saying my idea is great and everyone should dig it... it's something to work with or work around it at least because dungeon or mod wise it would be far more easier to create and implement in the game. was hoping for this thread to create a brainstorm rather than a yes or no poll, so please do bring…
i strongly disagree with your discrimination claim. what you are talking about is already happening, the elitists are already here and they will never go away because there will be always someone new to take their place. once more i'm saying that this will give the average player more ambition and stride to succeed at a…
we can't all agree so it's okay that you're against the idea but like i said, some people will never change and from my point of view this will increase the fun. it doesn't mean that everyone has to participate, the rankings would just be for bragging rights, ego and possibly for other players to choose a guild based on…
Since the game started. Every dps class will look to out dps-each other, healers to do best buffs/debuffs, tanks with buffs/end boss surivability and brag on how many enemies they have slained, etc. We all know how there is always that one dps class who runs ahead in dungeons to get most dmg and kills, but wheter it is for…
yeah it makes sense what you're saying but this is not so much about me as it is about the gf stuns. i'm not the best pvp sw but even at 4k and with a good build not to have a chance then there's something wrong with them if you know what i mean :)) i'll contact you in game!!!
well an update to my first post would that i have used a respec and now it's a bit better. i mean, even as a 4k sw with t.shadow and 5.8k deflection + 4.6k deff, when idle, i still have no chance against the gf's who stun and prone. i mean all they do is use the combo to mess me up to 30% hp then put the shield up and wait…
i wouldn't advise starting a sw these days as they have been nerfed into nothingness. besides the fact that if we want to be top dps sw we had to go out of our way and learn to play in a melee way instead of casting and keeping our distance like our class is supposed to be, then there have been some other major changes…
even though i feel there was still some abuse with sync teams like old shs or gg pvp i have to say it was not bad at all... should make it permanent and bring back the combat league. oh and while ure at it maybe change the drop rate of scrimshaw trophies for iwd pvp because i haven't seen one in a year or more...
new spots have opened up!!! let us know if you want to join a little strong guys in their mission to make it without the help of the big guilds but by standing together!!!
Ж Corrupted Ж 141 accounts 295 characters July 2015 In the relatively short amount of time we have been around we've managed to make a name for ourselfs by interacting with everything the game had to offer. We started out as a small group of experienced players who wanted to make it on their own right before Strongholds…
i'm also having problems with it. one day i was putting a structure to build and nothing was happening and the second day i couldn't even access the menu in front of the building...
it can also mean a player who comes first in paingiver ( 90% of the time ) just because he is skilled and he is recognized by others for knowing how to make the most out of his class.