Not really, basing drop chance on dps contribution just means some classes liek DC and GF don't really stand a chance. Solution: just drop the top dps approach, not everyone wants to play a CW.
I'll sell you a real world starter pack, comes with a plastic bag to carry more loot, a stylish tin amulet forged by master artisans in China and a t-shirt of +1 nerdiness!
Maybe the account server just died for good, it had been acting up for a long time: every 4th or 5th attempt to change characters would usually result in a disconnect instead.
Sadly it happens just about everywhere thanks to stupid quest design in many areas. Starts with torching crates in Blacklake district, next is freeing guards in tower district and that poor design persists through campaigns and events.
If the event items are now temporary the old ones obviously had to disappear, being well over 45 days old. Irritating if you had ones from last year but only logical. I just had to get rid of a few hundred assorted tokens to even make space for the new ones. Asset inventory urgently needs some love. Like more spce and…
That's what I'm doing but besides being very tedious it does nothing to help get rid of the spammers (arguably reporting them doesn't seem to do much either but that's not the point). Any command for reporting? Tried a few things but nothing worked. I've already turned off all public channels and I really don't want to…
Obviously asset inventory is too small and needs an upgrade. Should really have seen this coming if you keep adding new currencies and then make tiny stack sizes. Suggestion: set all asset stack sizes to 999, and double the space. And don't add 5 new currency types for every new module/event/dog's uncle.
M4 changed a lot of POWERS yet only FEATS were reset. What sense does that make? Did the other half of that reset go missing with dragonborn race and warlock pack items? Are we getting a POWER reset?
The pack page no longer shows the original and discounted price but instead the "discounted" price has become the regular price now, and on Steam it is cheaper...