Neverwinter events as a whole are LACKING.. Guild Wars 2 had AWESOME events.. for their Halloween you were able to actually trick or treat, fly around on a witches broom, put down a cauldron where people could drink out of and turn into something and they also ALWAYS had event dungeons..Halloween themed and christmas…
Im still trying to figure out why I paid $200 for a Hero Pack where the ViP instance has nothing in it. At least in SWTOR their ViP section had a vendor in it haha
Not really free when any decent pet or mount or anything else they release requires you to buy Zen..Or sure you can farm the AD to upgrade the GREEN pet or mount you get but how about give us a item that is actually worth working towards?? Just saying
I REALLY want to purchase the Hero pack but i do wish we knew more about the game first..There is really nothing listed about the Clerics and such, Nothing about tradeskills, Nothing much about char creation.. So will I blindly be throwing away $200 just to beta test and find out the game is horrible? I wish we were able…