I know what I'm about to offer is elementary, but this is a guide aimed at beginners, so.... Slot the appropriate at-wills, encounters, and dailies for PvP *before* you enter the match, especially if you're a player who likes to play PvE any appreciable amount. Not all powers are equally effective in both environments.…
If epic dungeons can be gated for GS level, why can't PvP (above 60, I mean)? I'm an illiterate **** when it comes to programming, so this is a genuine question. Would the mechanism used to gate epics really be all that difficult to apply?
I can agree with the principle, just not the specifics. Yes, a lack of team coordination can be really frustrating. I hate heading out of the gate towards 2 only to have the other four on my team head to 1 because I know the odds are I'm running into a beatdown and it's probably not going to get better. But the operative…
You know, I get that you can't ask people to play in a way that they don't enjoy. And I get that there are ways to improve the PvP itself (better match making, etc.). I get all that and I agree. That said, people quitting out of a match before either team has even reached 50 points....that's bull excrement.
The component of this change that I find baffling is the reasoning behind it. What, exactly, is prompting this? I don't recall ever seeing a complaint about the current fusion mechanics on the forums or the in game chat. There's no obvious gameplay benefit to the players in terms of executing the mechanics (in other words,…
So, if I'm understanding correctly, GFs and GWFs will still have the same power tree up to level 30. At that point, they will have 6 paragon paths to choose from? And will they be able to select feats from different class paragon trees (as opposed to intra-class paragon trees)?
Unfortunately, I don't have a regular team, so I pretty much exclusively PUG (which is fine...I still have a blast). My own style is to stay on point (either 2 or 3 depending on the situation), take a hellacious beating for as long as I can and, if able, lay some damage down here and there. I figure if I can get 2 or 3…
Thanks, Rabbinicus. I always appreciate your input. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought AoI and IG were purples, too. I'm actually still sporting blue rings, necklace, and belt. I got the ID set because, well, what else am I going to spend the glory on? So, just for edification, if I stick with the sets which of the above is…
This is a great response. There are always opportunities for price arbitrage if you know how to look for them. The best way to gauge the approximate market bottom for something is to sort by Buyout (lowest to highest). I say appraoximate because prices fluctuate over time, and there are instances when someone will undercut…
Thank you, rabbinicus. I appreciate that follow up. I do my best to communicate, though it can be tough without voice chat. I usually keep it to brief, typed messages like "Someone get 1" or "I'll hold here.". At the level I'm at now (56), there isn't a whole lot of communication overall, though. I genuinely don;t care…
No video game will ever replicate the experience of tabletop D&D. Why? Because you won't have your knucklehead friends spilling their drinks on your character sheet; you won't have that excrutiating anticipation and tactile feel as you drop that 20 sider on the table when a critical saving throw is on the line; you won't…
Have to agree, as I'm one of those who uses the MM for some RPing. It also strikes me as an incongruous place to put the vendor. After all, isn't Waukeen all about merchants? If so, somewhere near the market would have been more appropriate. I really do appreciate the event, but this particular facet of it is not optimal.
No, I get it. And I appreciate you bringing the other side of it up. Two quick points, though: 1) When I do this sort of thing, it's always in a 'hit and run' way. I've got my own things to do, after all, so I don't linger. I help out in the immediate fight and, unless I'm specifically asked to stick around via a team…
Wow! Thanks for the replies so far, folks. So, even though I'm far from perfect, and maybe even a ways from good at this point, I'm at least playing in a way that shouldn't be crippling my team. That's comforting.
I like the idea, too. But are there enough premades to makes the wait time in such a queue reasonable? I only ask because I rarely come up against a premade group in the 50-59 bracket. Are there that many more premades in to 60+ category?
I've seen several bots in 40-49 and 50-59 matches this past week. They all exhibit the above behavior and all of them have been TRs. Also, none of them take the time to tell me how much I suck at PvP, so that clinches it. :)
Understood, fondelz, and I appreciate the response. But the stats were just info fodder. The main point is that I finished fifth in the score column, not first or second. But I still got a green piece of equipment.
Well, I just got another data point for our question. I just finished a match and received a CW Dominator's Boots of Protection (again, of no use to me as a GF beyond gold/low AD value on the AH). Here's what I can tell you: 1) My team won the match 1000-8** (forget the exact number). 2) I finished fifth on the leader…
Gear score is like a college diploma. It tells you someone did something to make the qualification. But it doesn't reveal or assure their actual competence or skill level.
Thanks for the responses. I don't recall finishing first or second on the leaderboard at anytime. But then I don't pay much attention to it. I just want my team to win. If that means just running around a point while four opponents whale on me so my team can cap the other points...so be it. :)
I can confirm tyhat this is the case. Just ran through Vellosk with my latest char and stopped in the area. It's just...well...either rocks painted black or a cave with an invisible force field in front of it. No interaction.