I know a lot of the pvp population on Xbox and I don't think I know anyone who would do something like taking out their movement and maybe defensive enchants to go troll scrubs. Alas bracketing by item level is obviously very exploitable but at least maxed pvp players wouldn't have their games ruined by low IL players.…
Pve sucks in every game but even more so in this one. If you play this game on console I kind of get it. But if you play this game for pve on pc wtf are you doing.
11k and down should be a bracket and then everyone above that in their own bracket. Or something like that. But I agree wholeheartedly it only takes one 5,6,7,8,9,10 k pug to ruin what would've been a great match. <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> wait times I'd rather wait for a good game then quit half way through a bad one because it's not…
Please nerf my trs sod before 12b goes live on console this is really bad for pvp. Especially in a mod where it seems like your trying to encourage new ppl to q pvp. Also if it could somehow not affect pve that would be great.
Let's say it's a 2v2 on a node gf and tr vs 2 trs. Or a tr and anybody vs 2 trs. The 2 trs can just spam courage break and their encounters and still get 100k sod procs. Even if it's 5v5 on a node you can spam courage break and your encounters and get 100k sod procs and if your teammates buff you it can get extra…
i think a 50% damage nerf on sod MIGHT be the way to go just as a hot fix. hopefully it could be implemented before 12b drops on console. I've mained a tr since the game came out for Xbox and I'm tired of being op or straight aids with cc. When people go to try out 12b with their pve gear and get decimated by sod I highly…
You want all that ^^ with sod remaining the same? I think sod should get a 65% damage nerf. And give trs an encounter buff or something like the things stated above. Also itc should be nerfed. The nerf to itc and buffing other encounters could hopefully make multiple encounters and play styles viable. Unfortunately…
Also if nobody used them that would be great but for some reason broken stuff like this keeps turning up. And people always use it and it ruins the game. So take it the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out.
I have a tr but I like to use my combat because he's still really good and more challenging. I use eleven, Valhalla set, mirage weps not because there bis just because I havent bought stronghold. Also use trans fey and I'm using serpent and steal time(don't think that's what it's called the one in stormwarden that lowers…
I play on console and I'm disappointed to hear my combat might struggle in 12b. Do you mind if I ask what defensive enchant your using and what defensive enchants your using? Also what your deflection % is at.
if pvp had this much attention when the game was first released it would be huge. Unfortunately the population has died off. Make a new game "neverwinter pvp" or something clever. People will get hyped.
I don't understand why there aren't more people trying to setup private qs. If I had to guess I'd say its because there scared to compete with evenly matched teams. They would rather pug stomp and play another 5 man they know they can beat or pug stomping just feels a lot safer. People are also way to used to not dying…
Combat hr is still fire you just have to know what your doing. trs are bis ATM but not necessarily in 12b. Pallys are low key savage af. Pretty much anything but sws and gwfs in my opinion those classes are slightly under powered. This is mainly due to cb though so hopefully with a 50% time reduction in 12b that won't be…
With the nerf to cb and cc deminishing returns I think the tr will hopefully be in a good place 12b. If you can't figure out how to avoid sod then that's your fault because it's really not that hard.