I've been spotting them in low level mission areas a lot, too. Someone mentioned that if you add them as a friend, the pop-up will stop them dead in their tracks until the player comes back and responds to your friend request. We may not be able to get rid of the bots, but we can at least bug 'em a little.
In STO we have ship interiors and fleet starbases. I can't imagine houses and guild halls being too far fetched for Neverwinter. It would be a great way for Cryptic to make more money. If they do it like they did in STO, we'll have to sink all our AD into building our guild halls, so more zen will be used to buy AD and…
1. Let us make characters that aren't ugly as homemade sin. 2. Remove identify scrolls. It's a terrible, mundane and pointless mechanic, always has been. 3. Auto-translate foundry missions to match my account/client language. Opa's Fightclub in English, please! 4. Get rid of the coins all together. Make enemies randomly…
The Reputation system had the opposite effect on me. You log in, grind out your rep marks, spend them on projects, and wait 20 hours for your 2800 rep points. Nothing you do will allow you to advance any faster. And if you skip a day of logging in and setting up your projects, you're a day behind. I prefer to be engaged in…