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  • Hi, I also play OP in T9G and the aggro loosing is a class problem to me. GFs don't have this issue. The OP needs a hard taunt equivalent to the GF since the protection mechanic is insufficient even with VoE when running with hdps. The OP needs a taunt that forces ennemies to pass automaticaly into pursuit mode. I also…
  • Hi, This is an important thread as the paladin has many issues atm. You guys have mentionned these (I might have missed some) : 1) Bane targeting (for Devo more but for Prot still) 2) Sacred weapon specifics (duration, animation, number of hits) 3) Circle of Power animation speed (and bad overhealing bonus for Devo) 4)…
  • Ty. So if primal procs with overhealing, it could be a constant +10% buff ? As for pilgrim, the constant buff would vary from 2-10% (in battle mostly i guess). Just to be sure :D
  • Hi, For anyone investing in primal/pilgrim, does someone know what is the refresh rate after the set bonus has run off ? In other words, what happens after you've had 10% dmg bonus for 10sec (primal) or 5% for 1min (pilgrim), does it takes 30s to possibly proc again ? The tooltip offers no details on this.
  • Please bring back multi-target on Cordon. All HRs need it.
  • Please bring back multi-target Cordon of Arrows! HRs are NOT overpowered atm. Everyone that has a HR please join in on this.
  • Hi, I entirely agree that archery is not a viable path for eng-game content (T9G). I play a 15.6k HR trapper and I do fine now (after playing archer a few months). Devs, please give it some love. Try a few 3-man runs : archer+trapper+combat. I think it will be obvious archer will always be at bottom of the dps chart. I've…