im all for adding new achievments but what i would like to see is a use for the achievment points you already have. Even if its just a title after getting 3000 points. At least then people will know you have 3000+ achievment points instead of taking your word for it, because right now i have 3425 points and nobody i tell…
ive noticed this bug too. i wait in queue and when it opens two slots are already declined. I wasted a whole DD for Malabogs Castle with the queue popping 4-5 times and every time the two slots at the end are declined. With 5 min left to DD i excepted the queue and got put in MC with two others (not in my group, just there…
the simple word Faerun tells me that your an old school table-top d&d player. All i got is this- you get from the game what you bring to it. simple. people cry about pvp. people cry about pve. if you want to have a good time playing the game you will. if you dont wont.but i would love to join your table top (how…
ok... correct me if im wrong but eligible quests have to have two things.....15 plays and a play time of at least 15 min (yes i do not have my own foundry)
Your thinking of the wrong TR Daily. The daily thats been one-shotin people is lurkers assult. Steath+lurkers assult+lashing blade=your face. Thats why they talked about nerfing lurkers assult. Shocking execution has already been nerfed, and not too many people use it anymore because of that
all you have to do (and yes ive done it myself) is go to the zone and ask in zone chat if anyone just starting the zone would like some company. Follow them around and pick up the quests with them and you can get them done
spawn camping is allowed. but i would like to know how your 5man 2healer group would last against the other 20 if u DIDENT spawn camp. Dont get me wrong. Ive watched the videos and u guys do know what your doin but show me a video where u really take on the whole other side before gg is hit with the nerf bat
for real..... i dident read a single quest in this game???? WHY DO U PLAY????? Ive played chainmail back in the day. If u dont read anything whats the point in playing have u ever played tabletop d&d???? READ
one hit goin through your shield and 70% of your 30k hp is a flat out lie gf shield can block a tr daily power flat out even when se discription says it ignores defences
the main thing that bothers me about this "need" thing is having a DC in your group who clicks need on everything that drops daring you to kick the only cleric