Try clicking the link from the "Your Neverwinter Founders Pack Transaction Is Not Complete!" email. Seems like they might have fixed it, after being broken for days it worked for me today.
Folks, at present, their stand seems to be "drop some cash on us, we'll thank you... and give you HAMSTER all save for empty promises". My suggestion... demand a refund.
The "Display Name Conflict" is weird, if logged in at the time I click the link in email, yeah... get the message and no way to get it sorted... even when just punching in random keys. If not logged in, click the link, log in .. takes me to the with "Buy Now" disabled and a "thank…
Same thing happening here, picked up Hero of the North but have yet to see any items or extra character slots. On it does say "Thank you for supporting...." and "Buy Now" is disabled.... but that's it.