If it's doing 0 damage still, then why would you assume it could be fixed? Use your noggin' bro. That in itself is one of the issues it's having. Millions of damage was typically used in conjuction with other class powers - under specific conditions. Another issue is that it would buff the enemy as opposed to debuffing it.…
I'm not exactly sure why you wouldn't be able to understand why a healer draws aggo, and is seen as a threat. If you were in a battle, and it seemed extremely dire from getting no foothold in it, due to the cleric just continually pumping out heals - would you not then understand why that healer is a valuable threat, and…
Because he's trolling the thread with false information. It's a flat %increase, same with the boon. That's what made Combat spec so good. "Bloodletting" + "Battle Crazed" could easily be 32%+ Life Steal. I had 47% once with a Warlock and Renegade Control Wizard in the party, 50% if I had the first tier LS boon in ToD. @_@…
Are you sure you're a serious HR player? The most obvious choice for PvE is Royal Guard. It has horrible stats on it, but the set bonus is one of the best in the game. For PvP, it's a toss up between Profound Combatants and 2x Pure/Corrupt BI gear. Even 4x Pure can be okay, if you want to be more tanky in exchange for some…
http://nwcalc.com/hr?b=p5r:22u51c:1by9f7,13j3iei:100000:1u0000:1uu5z1&h=0&p=pfr Hope it helps a little. That's my build, and I love it a lot. Only 'AP Cloak/DC Artifact' Wizards can keep up with the damage. I went into Combat merely to help with some of the survivability you lose from not being full Combat. That 5% Life…
False. As stated in the original post; even if I start from Rank 1 Artifact with nothing but Peridots, it will eventually result in a 5 being in there. Due to the target amounts needed from rank to rank. This happens before it even reaches Rank 30 if memory serves me right. I had just tried this two days ago with a fresh…
Yes. Same thing happened to me on my Guardian Fighter last week or so. I was quite disappointed about it. At first, I had just thought I had done something wrong. Your post gives me reassurance that I didn't. What does one do about it at this point?
Umm. Power + Crit helps her 5% Heal at L30. Recovery does in fact help her Encounter cooldowns also. I've tested this. I had 999 Recovery and her spells were overlapping. Like it was permanently on me.
I don't understand why it would even be effected by Tenacity in the first place... seeing as it is not a CC ability. Perhaps sarcasm on your part, but nevertheless it's clearly not enough to save this "Epic" stone from being anything less than a glorified paperweight. That's definitely okay by me though, seeing as a Rank 7…
It sounds to me that the problem is now not entirely (but still partly) Tenebrous itself, but rather enchantments as a whole. What I mean is that there is absolutely no choice/decision making or equal pros and cons to consider when trying to pick an enchantment. The current mechanics funnel us all into stacking the same…
I feel that one factor is missing from this puzzle. That factor being that people can't get queued into the match to take a persons' spot who has quit. I've often started a match, and before the gate even opens up to fight, a disconnected person will just get kicked off, and then you're 4 vs 5 from launch. Stuff like that…
Welcome to the year long battle of asking for Ability Score reset options (or so it seems). Your post will probably get merged into the forever growing, but cobwebbed thread. Much like mine did. :< Let us remain hopeful though! For the sake of remaining interested in playing. Theory crafting and testing is very much a part…
Indeed. Meanwhile, this cosmetic issue will probably be resolved long before the Ability Score resets are available. I understand the functionality/bug issues are first. Totally get that. However, these cosmetic fixes considered before something as paramount as to staying competitive and up to date after a years worth of…
Not everything should be just about a monetary motivation to get something done. This should have been available regardless for the many, upon many, good reasons already provided. Many of us as players give little to substantial monetary investments to the company, as well as our characters. To abandon that investment just…
I'm well aware this issue has been addressed more times than one can count. However, that doesn't excuse the fact that this is becoming more and more problematic as this game continues to progress. It is something I believe is so long overdue at this point, especially when the "Dev's" have mentioned they would be looking…