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  • Ok OP, what is the thread about? You wanted REAL tanking? Any GWF can tank a pve encounter. Tanking is NOT threat generation. I'm guessing that GFs can only do threat generation. Everything else is better with a GWF. Yep, no one PvPs anyways, silly girl. Five seconds and your block meter is gone. There is no daily that can…
  • You can have multiple stacks of Dailies up at once. Nice. You should share that with other players. I've never seen that before. Its almost unbelievable. This is the point and someone actually sees it. As someone who pvps regularly with both GF and GWF, the GWF can tank far more players. PvE mobs are stupid. I could tank…
  • Your post is useless. Think about what you just said. Threat generation does NOT = tanking. If you want proof of GWF tanking ability, just search YouTube for recent videos. Either that or participate in GG 20 v 20 pvp. Watch as one GWF tanks through 5-6 players. GF has absolutely nothing once guard is gone. Hell, one TR…
  • You can post the same thing twice or three times. No one is gonna buy it. If you actually read the thread, you could see that I am neither. Take a guess again what class I play. I bet the other posters can guess where you can't... Ask yourself a question. Why is GF equipment cheaper than all other classes?
  • That's complete BS. Like another poster said: GWF has Unstoppable, Temp HP, Great Defense, Movement Speed, Healing. GF has: Shield that breaks in 5 seconds, Threat generation. Threat generation is the only thing making GFs usable. GWFs are superior in every other way.
  • I would say its uncommon but not rare. A few of those offer sites contain known advertising viruses like ZeroAccess. Go searching and see. Op, you could also try the bbb. That often works with companies that are hard to reach.
  • This should be a high priority fix. Eve allows this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and assumes its just part of life. Truth is that ponzI schemes carry a penalty of life in prison. Ask Bernie Madoff about that.
  • Almost sounds like you want easier ways to scam. Let's just put everything in a box to trade and have players just trust each other. That should work out.
  • remove the daily. simple solution.
    in PVP afk Comment by nachofoot July 2013
  • Pvp bots are rarely afk now. I've seen a lot of ungeared CWs spamming magic missile.
    in PVP afk Comment by nachofoot July 2013
  • I saw a player grouping two bot accounts today in PvP. It's hard not to notice two base characters on one team only spamming magic missile.
  • yea, I chose beholder. I thought it was going to be the most popular server.
  • Basic pay2win mechanics. Its simple & easy.
  • Its a constant war against the average player. NW has slipped slowly towards the "asian grind" mmo scheme. You do worthless, boring dungeons with hundreds of nameless mobs for a chance at a low drop rate. I don't need a second job and this game has me thinking of going back to SWTOR. That's a bad thing to say...
  • I would say out of par now. GWF is the new tank in pvp and pve. GFs? Don't need 'em anymore....
  • I sent in a ticket...one a day until they swap my armor or fix it.
  • Right. And if they nerf GFs, you won't see a single one in queues anymore. Good luck with PvE content as no one will play a meatshield that's worth <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Meanwhile, TRs become the next FOTM and PvE maps will be full of them...not getting a single thing done.
  • Customer support STILL hasn't responded to the fact that a lot of the Peanut Lab "offers" actually contain viruses. One, in particular, contains ZeroAccess. Its a rather nasty piece of malware. Your normal antivirus programs (AVG, Avast) aren't going to touch it.
  • Still abused it when he kept re-running the whole dungeon. Hell, there's streams up with players thanking Envy for showing them how to do it. Oh well, no money invested = no money lost. See you in the next MMO.
  • So was this how Envy farmed all those Valiant pieces? I was wondering how he got all of those... Funny...I read his "guide" and he never mentioned the method. He only mentioned that he abused it and that he shouldn't be banned for it. Regardless, this is where Perfect World needs to step up and do something. They won't get…