It's a system designed to force people to login, it's used in lots of mmos as a way to help artficially increase your concurrent user numbers because people will often log on each day even if they don't play just to get the reward you offer. Then you can go out and say you have 100 trillion concurrent users and people will…
I don't see what the big deal is... can't you just pay cryptic a bunch of real money for zen and turn it into the ad you lost? Maybe buy an epic trowl while your at it so you can farm your voninbold faster for your new storm kings thunder armour you'll use now instead? :wink:
I hate it, also please anyone can tell that it is a boring needless unrewarding grindy mechanic that is not an enjoyable task. I guess looking at it from a developer viewpoint means ignoring what is commonly said about it in and around the game and just decide it's an awesome mechanic apart from what the players actually…
I'm not using fleet stance or warden's courage... and I am using steel breeze in place of PG now as it fills my stam and in testing the dmg difference was minimal for combat.
I just want to say that I too think that the sw combat build is higher pve dps, however the build is more bursty because high crit sev and less crit chance... it's output is highly aoe focused and multiplies based on the number of targets your fighting... because of this and the eb and flow of the crit setup at times on…
Ah ok cool, good idea I didn't think to do this as I havn't used that server but it shouldn't be to difficult to get online there TYVM. Will you still have to stop your testing to run around get relics and stuff though and end up farming on 2 servers instead of just one?
Do you guys not get what I'm saying... it's an unnecessary inconvience. This isn't the bug report sections it's the feedback section? What exactly is your porblem with me saying that it's an issue for me when I spend a lot of time testing something and it's running down the resources. While it is combat it's not combat in…
Yes I know this... I guess I didn't explain it very well. My main holds my tradebars because when you buy something you like to know how many you have total. I bought 4 pieces of gear each was BOUND TO ACCOUNT... I then transfered them to the alt that required the gear. Upon purchasing a 5th piece (this time a pvp piece)…
1) I'd like to have a player frame with 3 horizontal bars for HP stam and AP of equal width and hight 2) Separate bar for abilities. 3)Would also like to have the abilitiy to resize the buff icons and make them wrap to multiple rows. 4) It would also be nice to have the ability to only show only your own detrimental…
I said that they should create packs of the assets created by the community to introduce into the game itself... akin to what valve did in csgo. Yea ok dead thread got it.. why is there so many people coming here to argue with me about things that are no even in contradiction with what I posted.... instead of just letting…
I said that in the first post... that at this point from a business prospective they probibly just want to move onto the next project... but even if they did, tools could be designed for this could be used in future projects and also really just wanted to make the post for feedbacks sake even if it doesn't really mean…
Yea but you would also theorectically free up some of the artists time... so just follow that thought through. Also I'd be willing to bet that they will at some point enhance the rewards available to the foundry since that would seem to make logical sense... but time will tell I guess and yea making sure the system is not…
what happens if you have vip and you use these codes... cause I used one and it didn't seem to do anything, will I get my time at the end of the vip period I currently already have?
uhm... you CAN do everything with blender and gimp you do not need maya or 3D max also you can get free trials and student license for almost all of them and also somehow it works for many games so this isn't an issue. I mean it's not the first game to have player made content. Just take a little strole over to csgo…
I mean, I was just saying what would be ideal... I don't think they will do it cause at this point it would probibly make better business sense to just move onto the next game and put your development time there but they asked for feedback so ideally that is what I would like to see. I think what might not be so hard is…