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musashinokami Bounty Hunter


  • CW... second least control... and you're thinking I'm no serious ? Well, how can someone be serious considering such joke as NW PvP. Anyway, CW are way too : - mobile (too high stamina regen as TOO many teleports) - quick (too low cooldowns) - deadly (considering dps is their SECOND role) Why do you think any bot you can…
  • Time for a shards merge...
  • I'm not over complicating since you totally missed the basic HP constitution bonus without any feat nor power (example : 20 constitution gives + 20% HP) I think some infos about what class earns what for a level are truely needed, or at each level since it looks like it does not scale in proportionated with leveling.
  • err... guys we complained enough for you to get a free respec at 60... as written above it's for stats points, powers and talents. You are still lucky enough to have not known the 600 zen respec price good old days...
  • I think english speaking people should pay for spanish people to play for free, looks fair to me :) Obviously, though not spanish, I support translation in spanish.
  • Pretty much the same, except the buggy classes may have changed compared to what you knew. Don't think it will change much anyway since the very concept of this game is... to ... well, flashleveling and camping the auction house once you're HL. PvP is more broken than ever : bots heavy infestation, classes still as…
  • If you don't want to heal your team, then don't play healer. Do you have a brain ? Are you able to understand roles... so, in your opinion, what is the cleric role in a team ? If healing others disgust you to this point I suggest you to just change for another class better than annoying people about your very right to be…
  • I can't remember why, considering all the failings of this game I feel like a headache's coming... thus I hardly play it for now... I think this game was made to be played like this, like a second hand in case your main game is under maintenance, or for people whom has really no time to play a game or something like that.…
  • Way too smart for me to understand that, sorry...
  • This is not a bandana but a headscarf worn on the face, not on top of the head...
  • If being rich in a game makes you happy... then gratz. But feel free to consider some of us would rather prefer a balanced bots free PvP than being rich or even an end game a little more interesting than camping the auction house...
  • So true, this game is not made to PvP anyway, it's just a little game to pass through until a better one. Just don't spend money on it : PNW does not deserve it. Once again a patch resulting in more issues than fixes... so ****ing ridiculous. This devs company is pathetic...
  • Does not work for me, but I'm european, not american and not even english neither.
  • Same issue here, restarting game and computer does not fix anything.
  • I did play everquest at beginning, I did not encounter so many bugs. I did play classes which were disliked in group like rogue or necromancer yet I could find groups by negociating (how do you negociate in neverwinter : you're just kicked out) and I could totally play the game without having to see any bug. GM were way…
  • I'm playing a GWF : I can't kite you freaking stupid OP class user. Yes any class is OP but cleric before a GWF. And you dare to brag out while probably playing a rogue considering your post, what a freaking aass...
  • Cleric skills may be slow, but yet you have the advantage of range, which I'm afraid to remind you GWF can't afford... GWF have the slowest animations of the 3 melee classes and guess what : damage seem to follow proportionally with skills' speed... which makes GWF actually a low dps class (compared to any other this time).
  • Yeah, we totally need more useless healers in PvP... How fun to die at healer's feet and reading he's dps specced on the chat thus if people want to be healed they can still spend their glory for potions. Or what about doing smartwise choices in builds and then try to deal with it in PvE and PvP, better than always trying…
  • Maybe the GWF will then become what he truely is : a defender able to dps. If implemented, the barbarian would certainly be something more resilient than the rogue with less dps, like a tanky rogue. Compared to the GWF, the barbarian should be more mobile, more deadly but less resilient. Barbarian should be able to become…
  • What do you mean with buried... you mean the ticket is buried asa it's received ..? Personally I wouldn't care of xp being quite lowered to cancelled from PvP, cause if there are so many bots in PvP it's because they can actually level quite fast thanks to it, they are not much in for glory... 3 to 4 PvP games raise you…
  • Well, people were complaining for ages before cryptic started to do something ( heavy bug/exploits fixing for catastrophe, balance patch) I think, and people working in MMO industry must certainly be used to it, that when kids become to like a game, or when mature gamers invest their money in it (which means the same thing…
  • As long as there will not be a report function : bots will prevail...
  • Personally I don't spend money on f2p games because : 1- I don't play much (casual time) like the vast majority of gamers actually. 2- I'm an old school games player, which means that what you find hard is just usually too easy for me compared to what I beginnned with. Hence I don't really need any confort item or whatnot…
  • 1- More polishing of the game : balance (PvP/PvE) bugs, exploits, localisation, and so on. 2- More parangon paths to choose from to have more REAL choices in builds, but only one. 3- More classes. 4- Actual deadly traps (traps are a bad joke at the moment) and a rework of the disarm skill of the rogue (make it count by…
  • Rofl, rogue still is the best dps class and very fun to play with : you can totally dominate PvP if you have some decent skills of course. They made rogue more skilled to use, which is a good thing considering the astonishing amount of damage they can deal. But if you do need a no brain OP class, then go reroll a CW : you…
  • I play GWF and TR, playing my GWF is way more interesting than before, though I do feel some tweaking are still needed. TR seems ok but I'm still in the low level, yet the class seems too tough still considering the amount of damage it can deal. If I really want to be a pain I really can get terrific ratios without dying…
  • As a long term GWF player I THANK YOUR VERY MUCH CRYPTIC, just being able to read this is priceless :'D EDIT : though I admit balancing still needs some tweaking, looks like CW still have a lot of stamina or stamina regen : I'm barely able to follow the second once the first is dead...
  • Because there is no other MMO you'd like ^^ Since you're here you dislike : - lotro - GW2 - secret world - rift - age of conan - C9 - vindictus - ... Thus, you've got left but this game ? Nothing... this is marketing ;)
  • Thing is not about the speed of patching but about what are you actually dl since the 1,5 gb patch were pre dl already... So cryptic : what's the point having dl this stupid 1,5 gb pre patch for ?