The shift thing? I think it is related to your proximity to solid objects. I messed around with it last night - if I was too close to a wall when I first pressed shift, it didn't work. If I was in an open space it worked. Sucks in narrow dungeons.
Yeah - makes me wonder if chasing AP isn't the way to go with a paladin. Use at-will powers to aggro and pull them in, cast daily to nuke. Insane. I guess it will make the first 30levels very easy, then group play and heals become more important.
Huh, I was going to ask the same thing. The table in the wiki makes it a bit more obvious: Wisdom adds crit chance and healing bonus, so that might be one to go for if you are after a DD paladin
Ta, all very useful (including the comment about lifesteal for rangers). I was fighting with a GWF, which since it lacks dodge, seems to be the most useless class with this boss.
Thanks for the answer. Did something change? I seem to recall being able to remain in Hulk Mode more often, therefore not getting knocked down so much or taking so many debuffs.
I love your analysis of this, elawyn. I think that F2P breaks down when a game becomes about PvP more than PvE and Cash Shopping means you are overpowered compared to non-CS players. Racing to the end game is daft and provides an empty experience. When paying speeds this up, you are going to get disgruntled players.