Sigh. Never... always... only... Whenever you see those "key" words, you should immediately become suspicious. While MM may be the best for pure damage (emphasize, "may") that is not the only reason to use a particular At-Will. There are a lot of assertions out there based on parsing numbers on motionless, non-attacking…
Sorry, Kasyee, had some of the same questions. My guesses: 1. Malevolent Surge-I assume you have to strike the killing blow, but haven't tested it. If so, makes this a great feat for PvE, not so much for PvP. 2. Elemental Empowerment-I don't know the time. It's not very long. I suggest you try the ability when you're able…
Fond's information makes this set pretty unattractive for PvP compared to Shadow or the PvP set, in my opinion. I don't use any of the abilities that work, including entangling force, except for chill strike, so pretty minimal application for me. Even if you run entangling force, it's doubtful you'd do so in mastery…
Thanks, Fond, helpful stuff. My experiments were rushed so I'm willing to concede your information is more accurate. Main point is, be sure the skills you use are make the Set worth it. In PvE, EF alone is worth it. In PvP, might depend on your set-up...
In my testing (just now) Chill Strike does not apply the bonus to either the target or me. All of the effects that work, work on both the targets and me, but there are a couple of interesting points. 1. Repel works. It applies one stack to the targets, and up to 3 on me if in Mastery slot and multiple targets. 2. Steal…
One thing about the HV set. "Control" powers currently working are only: Entangling Force (up to 3 stacks); Shield Blast (up to 3 stacks); and Steal Time (only 1 stack). So be sure these are powers you frequently use before investing. I have tested on dummies and if memory serves, Repel, Chill Strike, Conduit of Ice, and…
Neither. Only things I've found are Entangling Force (3 stacks in mastery slot), Shield Blast (3 stacks), and Steal Time (1 stack, no matter how many targets affected). Not sure about Repel, or other spells as I don't use them much. But Chill Strike (even in mastery) and Icy Terrain do not proc the set either.
This. Still, the mechanics ARE depressingly similar from Boss fight to Boss fight in Neverwinter, too. It's just not any different than any other game at release. These dungeons are much better than GW2 in my opinion. And better than WoW was at release. Hoping the Developers design some interesting mechanics in upcoming…
Why is it, whenever somebody comes to the forums to voice their frustration, somebody else feels the need either to brag or belittle? Not helpful... After months of PvP, getting rolled, getting better, and learning what other classes do, I believe the most important parts of success after player skill and experience are…
I actually believe Recovery, Power, and ArPen are most important in PvP, not crit. I am in the vast minority. On a target dummy, crit is awesome, but in actual combat, I find it over-rated. The most important thing is how often you can get your Encounter powers off--that is usually what determines the outcome between…
Great advice, Abandinus, some of my observations: Agreed. Use At-Wills to break block, stay at range. Once block is down they are as squishy as anybody else. My second toughest opponent. I can survive if I time the dodge right, but finishing them off requires timing and a little luck. You need to keep them thinking they…
I see the need to have it run at a specific time, but it should be every 2 hours at most. The full event takes an hour and half; having a half hour down time between the events seems reasonable, but I agree with OP, 4 or more hours isn't reasonable, mostly because it won't run at the right time on the day many people can…
The "best" class is the one played by the best player on the team that knows how to support each other. Each class brings something to the table and if supported by another, can be dominant. Even Cleric. 1 v 1, between two equally skilled players, starting on equal footing, with equal gear--it varies. Some classes are…
I'm happy as is. From a players perspective, I hate grinding content over and over for gear. Let me enjoy it once (more if I enjoy it). If I want to grind, I can, if not, getting it off the AH is a great alternative. There is a solution to ninja-looters. Take the time to recruit people you can trust. It won't solve the…
I've wanted to try an Oppressor, but the lack of usefulness in PvE stops me. It's too expensive to respec back and forth (even with the recent price reduction). But for PvP, taking all the Feats that increase survivability, cooldowns, and chill-based effects, then running Chill Strike, Conduit of Ice, Icy Terrain, and…
Patience is key with GF. Maintain your distance and hit him with Magic Missile until his block breaks. Don't panic and use up your dodge's. Back pedal, teleport backwards away from him and keep the missiles flying. You may have to break block twice, if they use an ability to regen it. Once block breaks, spell mastery RoE,…
Fletch, Thanks for posting your perspective, good to know others are experiencing similar frustrations. PvP is still fun, I'm still plugging away and will hopefully improve. I'm not advocating any nerfs at all, and it sounds like you aren't either, except for some cooldown adjustments. I just want to be a "Control" Wizard…
Shenanigans! You do NOT beat TR's 95% of the time. I buy the 50-50 with GWF's. GF is a beast. If you break his Block from range with MM's (twice if his daily is up), he's crispy toast, unless he gets on you. If he does--game over.
Nerfing Tenebrous is going to happen, bet on it. One at a time is a fine idea, with or without a minor damage boost. As a compromise, something along the lines of letting every one beyond the first increase the damage a small amount wouldn't be game breaking--but there should be only one chance to proc, internal cooldown…
I appreciate the concerns here but disagree: 1. Mounts are negligible. The biggest factor is covering the ground to the far end a few seconds faster. I like having mounts, even if the other guys is faster than mine. I suppose you could make all mounts have the same speed in PvP, that wouldn't bother me. 2. CW dodge must…
I like this post, all great points. I did not mean to communicate the CW is not valuable in a well-organized group. I was comparing 1 v 1 fights and whining about the fact other classes are better at control in those situations. I agree, a CW with even one ally is a serious problem for anybody. My whine was about those…
In PvE--you are correct. CW's rack up the points on trash. In PvP--you are wrong. Not a lot of trash in PvP to wrack up all that AoE damage on. Right now between two equally skilled/geared players, the GF should own a CW. Knock downs, Guard, damage mitigation, and the ability to spec for nice burst give the decided edge to…
But... looks like the red team won. I don't care if I'm at the bottom of the list, so long as our team wins. I can dominate when I'm ignored, too, just about anybody can. I have beaten Rogues who get the jump on me with a well-timed dodge/EF--and gotten completely shredded before I knew my health bar was moving (usually…
My opinion: Thaumaturge for PvE. The AoE damage/AP gain/perma AS should still be king for groups in T2 dungeons. The nerfs to Renegade make it less impressive in PvP to me than it was. RoE and Steal Time have lost a little luster, though still great PvP skills. Just not sure the reduced buff to those skills is worth the…
Please... people leave, people come, with nerfs or buffs or nothing. If DC's vanish it will be because people dislike the game, not a patch that makes an easy game harder. Most of the discussion here is from the point of view of older MMO's with the Tank-Healer-DPS mindset. In this game, each character has to take…