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  • Oh really? nothing you say... hmm i wonder what will those peeps that screwed up their set up while lvling and now want to pvp?Imagine 6 dollars everytime you decide to change your playstyle. And i wonder how 100k is anything close to 2million or 500k AD for mundane things like first lvl mount training are going to be. The…
  • Your comment is as jumbled up as the person you quoted... On topic,I think we all want to throw our money into PWE lap, but the only reason we do not is because we feel we are not getting anything worthy of our money.
  • No i do not get everything i love for free, respecs are not free, mount training is definitely not free ( 2million AD? how in hell am i going to farm that?),buying anything remotely useful off players is not free. The overall point is not that we have to pay, is the amount of money we HAVE TO pay, anything remotely useful…
  • That is a perfectly well written bot response. Wow, the worst thing is that we have a bunch of wankers here who have no reading comprehension, have fun derailing the thread peeps. We will see how long it lasts when this game "out of the box" allure dies out.
  • You seem to enjoy providing no relevant criticism to the issue at hand, good job. Next!
  • If he had made a valid argument like yours, he would have not been called out, but not bringing anything in the conversation and cherry picking other people's comments to fulfill his need to rub his ego is something not needed and lacks constructivism.
  • Back to the cave with you back! I cast flare at you!
  • The moment you started using "casuals" and "+1" and all of that tired out memes from 2 years ago you lost all credibility. Btw reading comprehension fail, at least troll smart, go back and read his post again before ( this time read it with the eyes in front of you) you do it again.
  • @Arcbladez This is not what the OP was talking about( btw he linked his characters in wow, they are MOP geared), he is talking about the lack of ability to fill a spot after certain point in the dungeon, people leave and there is no way to fill that spot which causes the group to disband. I personally was talking about how…
  • Yes certain troll called the OP "casual" ( as if that is truly an argument or insult, who knows what he is aiming at), over his comment that he does not "drop the controller" as quick as most kids do today. He was referring that he tends to hold on onto the game because he has hopes things will be better or that he will…
  • Gratz on totally missing the point of his thread, and also on joining the troll cave And still I am highly amused by you kids believing achievements in a game matter IRL, I mean seriously you are proud of what? What can you possibly come out with that will garner you any respect after spouting so much nonsense. The LFR in…
  • At this point we can agree, the wow reject/CoD kid is just trying to troll, he has been called out by this point he is just making a fool of himself. Btw ( to the troll) using "casual" as an argument is old, and frankly makes you look bad, your "elitist" attitude only shows that you have been spending your life playing a…
  • I am sorry what? Cheap *** gamers? Do you know what kind of computer is required to play this game decently? Do you know what the average american has to pay to live in this country? We are not cheap, we know what the value of a dollar means buddy, and 30 dollars for a virtual item is less valuable than 30 dollars of…
  • Since AD is pretty much zen, i find it insulting that i must get charged a theoretical RL currency for using a store selling unreal things.
  • Marked enemies create extra threat while being hit by you, also some skills will make marked character gain threat passively. I believe also marked targets will deal less damage when you acquired certain feats
  • I have no idea how you as a Guardian find the need to run away, i usually casually stroll trough camps and aggro things all the way to my quest giver,turn in quest, then proceed to slaughter them all.
  • Yes yes it does, no problem man, we all are there sometimes Like Pixelburst mentioned OC is a gamble, personally i would not recommended, but if you feel lucky go ahead and try it. Worse thing can happen is that you break it,which wont really matter since you had to replace it anyways.
  • No, a newer processor will be cheaper in the long run OC'ing is a risky thing,I wouldn't recommend it, shortens your CPU life and does not compare to the newer CPU models.
  • You do not think any of our suggestions have any weight on your problem, as far as i see you want to hear one thing but refuse to acknowledge it despite what you already know. If you think is a bottleneck go ahead and buy a new processor, otherwise check check and triple check the suggestions that we gave you. Your problem…
  • I am sorry but if you think you have it figured out, the whole topic is unnecesary yes?
  • Hmm that does sound like a bottlenecking problem, if you can not afford a new CPU atm, the next possible thing is to fiddle with the GPU settings for your game directly from the control panel or any software that allows you to do this. Like i mentioned in other posts AA (anisotrophic filtering) and texture filtering tend…
  • If you can run this game with DX9 you will get better performance but lose some of the eyecandy, what is your current FPS?
  • If i am getting an almost identical performance with a superior system this means that he needs to tweak with the settings rather than worry about bottlenecking. Wether this CPU bottlenecks or not is hardly irrelevant when the game is not optimized properly yet.
  • Tweak a lot with your graphical settings trough the nvidia control panel or find a program of your choice, sometimes that is required
  • I personally see no problem with the amount of FPS he is getting, i get up to 60 fps in dungeons with full settings (without tweaks or anything) I have a 3570k i5 and a radeon 8970 2gb with 8gb, so I personally think your computer is doing fine despite your specs.
  • If you make a guide on how to make 1k AD under 1minute i will buy it since AD is the only meaningful currency acquired trough gameplay.
  • Tweak your settings trough the Nvidia control panel, override the default settings of the software and run AA at x2 or x4, would be wise to also tweak with texture filtering trough the control panel. Some games tend to be horribly optimized trough their default software, the GPU seems to be able to do a better job.
  • Are you running at max settings? Are you running your AA trough the GPU or the software is controlling it?
  • I usually come out on top on most things ( even healing, that darn companion is the best thing since tacos), mind you I am a tank and not even trying to rush things, taking my time looking for loot boxes and stuff to gather, going faster by no means will earn you anything better or make you more likable. Like one of the…
  • He must be annoyed that he can't use his set of special dice