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  • Your arguments are void.
  • You just got scammed. Not the only one. Don't buy anything from these guys. The second you do you will be dubiously hacked. And noone answers to the tickets anyway. Mine has 20 days now. Just move on.
  • This game is a huge scam. They were not prepared for ANYTHING but still send you emails with bonus zen offers for future PURCHASES,while tickets remain unanswered FOR WEEKS. We all got scammed. Delete game and move on.
  • "Average response time is 5-8 business days". 19 (NINETEEN) DAYS have passed since my ticket was opened and still no response. BUT I do receive mails from the with bonus zen offers on my my next purchase. Hahaha.
  • PWE Strives to response to all tickets within 3-4 Business Days. Most response times are far sooner; likely same day. This is not an estimated response time! Hahahahahaha this is just another BIG LIE. Ticket posted on 17.05 and answered on 08.06. It looks to me like 3-4 BUSINESS WEEKS.
  • ABSOLUTELY NOT. This game is a scam. They were NOT PREPARED!
  • I agree. They are not even able to answer to tickets made by people that were stupid enough (like me) and paid 200$ for this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Do you really believe you will have "priority" over something? It's just ANOTHER SCAM.
  • Yeah beside some classes they will add two more mounts. Only 250$ a piece.
  • Just move on. They won't answer. Detele the game and pray they go bankrupt.
  • It probably would have taken between 12 and 600 days for pwe to react.
  • That would have saved the game! Too bad now Blizzard is dieing (despite making 50-70 MILLION EUROS/MONTH). Ohh the irony, one small engineering mount would have saved them...
  • Blame Canada! :D
    in Game Down? Comment by mitote June 2013
  • Password was NOT reset (in my case). Also Gmail address was accessed only from MY IP (telling this like a gazillion time now). Gmail address was not changed/hacked. They bypassed the whole email code verification.
  • We already established that part. But how do you explain that my gmail account was accessed ONLY BY ME (my IP) ? (gmail can show that). And I still got hacked.
  • This IS the game. Nothing will be released (except proly some cosmetical <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>).
  • Well I am just gonna add on the forums every day that passes w/o an oficial answer on my ticket (except the standard macro). Day 11 for me.
  • Was your email hacked aswell? If not, welcome to the club. ALOT of people were hacked bypassing email verification codes.
  • It's interesting how a topic about the health of trash mobs of some random dragon got an insta reply from PW. And on topics like this one they are completely silent.
  • Gmail has this option. My email was accessed only from my IP. Still my account was hacked and a new web browser from an IRAN IP was saved on their part as "safe".
  • EXACTLY. I started a thread as i had the same problem. I was hacked without my email being compromised. IT IS ON PWE SIDE. ACCOUNTS ARE NOT SAFE. PLAYERS THAT BOUGHT FOUNDERS PACK ARE ESPECIALLY TARGETED.
  • So what's the point of the email verification code then? If you can be hacked bypassing the email code pwe sends, it's all useless. Also, Day 10 w/o any real answer from pwe (except the automatic macro)
  • So they migh have a database of players that bought the packs? Again, I still do not understand how was I hacked without my email being hacked. This is really scarry and people that buy packs should be made aware of it.
  • Well I have been playing the game for a month or so, and then i bought the pack. As soon as i bought it i was hacked. Or PWE was hacked...
  • I am playing MMO's for ages. I am old enough not to be fooled by fake sites or fake GM inquiries :). Also not using bots or other **** like that :) Still, even if my game password was hacked, if the hackers accessed the game from a different IP then the ones I have validated, they should have used a confirmation code sent…
  • Still my question remains. How was I hacked? My email was accessed by me only, still the account was hacked. Was it brute force or something? I am really reluctant to invest any time or money in a game that can't guarantee my account safety.
  • No I didn't.
  • Did that one week ago. As expected I only got an automated answer. Waiting for the second automated answer to tell me to resubmit the ticket as they lost the first one. From what i've heard this is common practice for them :rolleyes: